Welcome to the Juniors!
Our team
Please can you make sure that your child has: Names in all of their clothes A named water bottle Trainers, tracksuit, shorts and t-shirt for P.E. A one-piece swimming costume/ tight fitting trunks, goggles and a hat for swimming Plenty of sleep! – 7 yr olds need 10 ½ hours sleep per night. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sleep-and-tiredness/how-much-sleep-do-kids-need/
How you can help your children at home: Read together and discuss 3 times per week NEWS COMING SOON! Model a positive attitude to learning and school Keep an eye out for new and interesting experiences for you and your children to see and do. Sign up to Dojo. Encourage your child to do the reading and homework passports. Each task should take about 30 min.
Used to share successes and communicate any messages from the teacher * Used to share successes and communicate any messages from the teacher. * You can message too and we will do our best to respond ASAP. Urgent messages should be phoned to the office *If we have concerns about your child we will contact you to arrange a meeting or try and see you before/after school.
E-Safety We teach children about Risk, Responsibility and Reputation. Be aware of what your children are doing at all times Should not have Facebook, You Tube, Musically or any other social media accounts. Fortnite, Call of Duty, multi-player Minecraft and other games are not suitable for children at this age. These have been legally rated as 12 or 18 for a good reason. But what about unknowingly? Beware of older children… See the CEOP link – (the Child Exploitation and Online Protection service) on the school website for more information about online safety.
Children will learn a new spelling rule each week Half termly spelling rule overview sent to parents Multi sensory approach Spelling investigations not tests Application of spelling rules to dictated sentences Focus on year group spelling lists (common exception words) – these will be sent home
Do you have a talent and/or time? Classes always need extra readers to support children. Interesting hobby which we can link to the curriculum? E.g: Mountains Science – light/magnets/Rocks/Fossils/Plants WW2 Vikings/Celts/Romans/Saxons Juggling?
Any questions?
Our PTA need Class Reps! The PTA are looking for volunteers to be class representatives – 2 per class would be great! You would be a point of contact for the PTA reps and other parents. It will be a great way to meet others and get involved in school life. If you are interested, send your contact details to your child’s class teacher. These will be passed onto the PTA who will then get in touch.