Lesson 4: Self-Report Techniques 1
Interviews The researcher asks participants questions directly face-to-face and the participant provides information about themselves. The questions can be structured or unstructured. 2
Structured Interview – All participants are asked the same questions in the same order (quantitative data). 3
Data analysis is straight forward. Less risk of interviewer effects. Less training needed for interviewers. Interviewer is not able to follow up interesting answers. Formal situation may inhibit honest and full answers. 4
Unstructured Interview – An informal in depth conversational exchange between the interviewer and interviewee (qualitative data). 5
Researcher can follow up on any issues raised by interviewees. Interviewee can expand on their answers. Interviewer can probe for personal information. Interviewer effects. Training needed. Can be time consuming and expensive. Difficult to analyse data. 6
Questionnaire A set of questions used to collect data from a large sample of participants. This can be given face-to-face, by post, over the phone or over the internet. 7
Closed Questions – Require participants to answer yes/no or choose from fixed responses (quantitative data). Open Questions – Allow the participant to answer in their own words (qualitative data). 8
Large sample can be obtained. Quick and easy to replicate. Reduces investigator effects. Social desirability. Low response rate and biased sample. Questions could easily be misunderstood. Closed questions will limit the responses. 9
Confidentiality, protection from harm, and informed consent are issues with self-report techniques. 10