TPC Way Forward How does the Methodist Church work?


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Presentation transcript:

TPC Way Forward How does the Methodist Church work? What is TPC doing so far? What are the decisions we will have to make?

Three Forums How does the Methodist Church work? 8/11 What is TPC doing so far? 9/8 What are the decisions we will have to make? 9/22

How does the Methodist Church work? General Conference Jurisdictional Conference Annual Conference Church and Charge Conference World Wide South Central Jurisdiction Rio Texas Conference Travis Park Church

General Conference The global church structure mirrors the United States government with three branches judicial executive legislative The legislative branch—the General Conference—meets every four years to set church policy. Approximately 1,000 delegates (half lay leaders, half clergy) gather to consider revisions to the Book of Resolutions, which makes pronouncements on social issues Book of Discipline, which details church law. Decisions of the General Conference cannot be questioned until they are raised at its next convening. Feeding into the General Conference are Annual and Jurisdictional Conferences focused on immediate concerns within the denomination’s five U.S. jurisdictions and Central Conferences for outside the U.S.

Some Book of Discipline Statements Same Sex Marriage Non-Binary Clergy “Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches.” Ref Book of Discipline "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self- avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church."

Travis Park Church Response Statement “The Church Council of Travis Park Church finds the decision by General Conference 2019 to be incompatible with Christian teaching, and denounces the discriminatory policies of the United Methodist Church.” - Travis Park Church Council, March, 2019

Immediate Actions by TPC Approved open statement of dissent Authorized same-sex marriage in the sanctuary With-held apportionments to Rio Texas Conference (more on that at 9/8 session) Authorized re-branding to Travis Park Church Moved to seek re-affiliation (discussion continued 9/8 and 9/22)

Other Actions All Church meetings to share information and concerns Reaching Out meetings to identify and contact allies Building Committee to investigate property options (more on 9/8) Attended Our Movement Forward: Centering POC+Q+T Active in electing progressive candidates within the UMC structure