Philip Linse, CenturyLink North American Numbering Council (NANC) Contract Oversight Subcommittee A subcommittee of the Numbering Administration Oversight Working Group September 12, 2019 Co-Chairs: Betty Sanders, Charter Philip Linse, CenturyLink
Contract Oversight Subcommittee (COSC) Activity Subcommittee Activities: Monthly Review of Deliverables B&C Agent Monthly Review of Deliverables NANPA/PA NANPA/PA Change Order A (NAS/PAS form updates) to be implemented October 30 Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) Ongoing Technical Requirements Document (TRD) development B&C Banking Vendor Change
Area of Responsibility Mission: The Numbering Administration Oversight Working Group oversees the activities and reviews the performances of the Numbering Administrators, including the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA), the Pooling Administrator (PA), and the NANP Billing and Collection Agent, through the assistance of the Contract Oversight Subcommittee FCC contract oversight of the following Vendors Billing & Collections (B&C) Agent – Welch LLC Bills and Collects from the Telecommunications industry for payment for the functions of the B&C Agent, NANPA and PA Vendors North American Numbering Administration (NANPA) – Somos Administers the allocation of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources Pooling Administration (PA) – Somos Administers the allocation of 1,000 Block Number Pooling This contract also includes the Routing Number Administration (RNA) for P-ANI numbering resources
Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) NANC Chair & NAOWG Chair request for extension to complete the work to develop the technical and operational requirements report. (August 14, 2019) Forty seven, two hour meetings, twice weekly since February 2019 DA 19-554, July 12, 2019, Progress Report submitted to CGB & WCB DA 19-554, June 12, 2019, CGB & WCB granted request for an extension of time filed by the North American Numbering Council until September 13, 2019 and a progress report by July 12, 2019 NANC Chair & NAOWG Chair request for extension to complete the work to develop the technical and operational requirements report. (April 30, 2019) Parallel efforts to complete report pursuant to National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act (May 24, 2019) and the Report on the Proposals to Implement Nationwide Number Portability (May 8, 2019) RND Technical Requirements Document (TRD) development FCC kick-off on February 19, 2019 US Federal Government Shutdown December 22, 2018 through January 25, 2019 FCC 18-177, December 13, 2018, Second Report And Order (Reassigned Numbers Database Order)
B&C Banking Vendor Change Welch LLP negotiated agreement with Bank of America that will end the B&C agent banking relationship with NY Mellon Transition planned to complete prior to September billing for 2019/2020 NY Mellon to remain in place through transition Updated payment information will be highlighted on service provider invoice This arrangement provides for an overall reduction in banking fees Reduction of report fees Reduction of transaction fees This arrangement provides for the use of credit card transactions Addition of credit card transaction capabilities may increase collections Reducing potential of accounts going delinquent Reducing potential of some providers being placed in red-light status Expedite removal from red-light status
Contract Status NANPA: Somos 12 month Bridge Contract effective November 1, 2018 2 Month Transition Completed as of January 1st 2019 PA: B&C Agent: The contract awarded in April 2018 and is a 5 year contract beginning May 1st 2018
Contract Oversight Subcommittee (COSC) Membership COSC Voting Members: COSC Non-Voting Members: ACA AT&T Bandwidth CenturyLink Charter Cox NASUCA Sprint Verizon Washington UTC T-Mobile
Future Meetings/Contact Information Pending Charter for 2019-2021 Contact the Co-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details or