Dot plots comparing changes in renal function at pretreatment and after the first and last cycles in both hydration groups. Dot plots comparing changes in renal function at pretreatment and after the first and last cycles in both hydration groups. (A) Serum creatinine level in the CH group. (B) Serum creatinine level in the SH group. (C) Ccr in the CH group. (D) Ccr in the SH group. (E) eGFR in the CH group. (F) eGFR in the SH group. Ccr, creatinine clearance; CH, conventional hydration; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; SH, short hydration. Midori Tanaka et al. ESMO Open 2018;3:e000342 Copyright © European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved.