Welcome to Your Course Planning Meeting January 2016
We will discuss… How to read your transcript Graduation Requirements A-G UC/CSU Requirements Four Year Plan/Class Selection Request Extracurricular Activities Resources Summer School
Reading your transcript Classes listed by Semester + Honors Non academic * Repeated Course r GPA Credit Summary Weighted Non-weighted
Myth: Freshman year doesn’t matter because the UC’s and CSU’s only look at grades from grades 10 & 11 Colleges review the entire transcript! Freshman year establishes study habits! Freshman year determines classes for 10th grade!
A-G UC & CSU requirements (each letter, A-G, corresponds with a subject area) History - 2 yrs. (BHHS diploma: 3 yrs.) (World History/Geography, US History, Government/Economics) B. English - 4 yrs. Math - 3 yrs. (4 recommended) (Must include Algebra 1/2, Geometry, and IAT or AAT) Lab Science – 2 yrs. (3 recommended) (Biology and either Chemistry or Physics) Foreign Language – 2 yrs. (3 recommended) (Must be two years of the same language. One year of credit may be earned in 8th grade.) F. Visual Performing Arts - 1 yr. Electives - 1 yr. A-G subjects must be passed with a grade of “C” or better in order to meet 4-year college entrance requirements
BHHS Additional Graduation Requirements: -Students must pass 20 units of PE and the Fitness Examination 230 units total for current 9th graders to earn a BHHS Diploma 230 credits total for current 10th and 11th graders to earn a BHHS Diploma
What are honors and AP classes? Honors – Classes that are taught at the high school level but provide the greatest challenge and preparation for college. AP (Advanced Placement) – College level courses offered at a high school setting. Students expected to take AP exams in May. These courses earn weighted credit in the BHHS GPA; however, not all colleges give weighted credit for these courses.
Become a strong student Monitor your grades on JupiterGrades www.jupitergrades.com Peer Tutoring – during lunch in room 292 Don’t forget – your teachers are also available often before and after school and during lunch: Ask for help.
Class Selection for Next Year **Most students take only 6 classes English: Regular or Honors. Math: Based on the recommendation of your previous teacher; see math sequence chart for more information Science: See science sheet Social Science: Regular or Honors Physical Education / Football: all other sports require tryout Foreign Language VPA / Elective: See Elective Sheet * You must return your Course Request Form to your counselor
Admission factors Academic GPA/Grades in Academic Classes/Rigor of courses (Hon/AP) SAT/ACT College Essay(s) Counselor Recommendation Teacher(s) Recommendation(s) Extracurricular Activities
Most important factor Grades in academic courses Plan your time Complete homework Learn to study Take advantage of tutoring Balance your school work with extracurricular activities Accelerate in areas of your strength
Get involved Extracurricular opportunities: Performing Arts Sports Student Government (ASB) School Newspaper, Yearbook, Literary Magazine Community Service Clubs Internships Paid Jobs
Please use your resources! Academic Support The counseling department at BHHS supports you: Academic planning Email your counselor for an appt. anytime Norman Aid Center (drop-ins/appts) College Counselor, room 290 (Ms. Casey Rowley) Individual counselor meetings Evening programs and presentations Please use your resources! Plan to complete: Naviance tasks such as Interest Inventory, Resume and begin a college search
BHEF Summer school More information: www.bhef.org or call 310-557-1624