Course Course Director(s)
Review of Current Curricular Design: Provide a brief description of the sequence and progression of course material. Reflect on any changes made from previous course review (need only bullet points) Include graphical example of calendar for course (as it was delivered)
Week 1 and 2 Renal 1 Winter 2019 Introduce structural and functional aspects of renal/urinary system. Interdisciplinary/integrated sessions to begin applying fundamentals in week 1 e.g. acid/base, urine concentration and dilution, and the metabolic role kidney has with respect to glucose.
Week 3 Renal 1 Winter 2019 Week 3 (Figure 3) expanded on the pathophysiology of water balance and potassium balance. Other interdisciplinary topics included biochemistry and physiology for regulation of acid/base disorders, and the pathogenesis of disease (Kidney Under Pressure).
Review of Assessment Methods Total Possible Course Points (X+ Y+ Z) possible points) Quiz #1: Date of Assessment is 11 Jan 2019: (Material delivered between 1/7/19 and 1/10/19) Point Breakdown: Individual portion is a points (15 questions), collaborative is b points) Quiz 1 Total = Z Points Quiz #2: Date of Assessment is 18 Jan 2019: (Material delivered between 1/14/19 and 1/17/19) Point Breakdown: Individual portion is apoints (15 questions), collaborative is b points) Quiz 2 Total = Y Points Exam #1: Date of Assessment is 25 Jan 2019: (Material delivered between 1/7/19 and 1/24/19) Point Breakdown: Individual portion is 60 points (60 questions), collaborative is 3 points/30 questions. Exam 1 Total = X Points Combined Graded Assessment Total is estimated to be X + Y + Z Points by the end of the course.
Final Grade Descriptive Statistics (%) Review of Course Outcomes Attach summary outcomes data for Dr. Funk to report on. Committee need to determine what data needs to be provided along with style. Want to standardize reporting of outcomes, as evaluated by CC. Dr. Funk’s office will supply this slide to each director. Examples: Final Grade Descriptive Statistics (%) Mean 82.0 Standard Error 0.5 Median 82.7 Mode 87.6 Standard Deviation 6.4 Range 34.5 Minimum 61.0 Maximum 95.5 Z-score adjustment data Number of remediation students Descriptive stats for each assessed item Other data? Should we be discussing intervention outcomes based upon assessments during course? Examples: 5 students failed first quiz. 6 students failed second quiz. 1 student failed both quizzes. Students met with student affairs and held meetings with director. 4/5 passed course
Review of Course Feedback Include a summary report of course evaluations, (report received from the Office of Medical Education-items may change based upon course evaluation prompts). Sum and report % that strongly agree/agree). Example: The Office of Medical Education provided the course evaluation and indicated the following themes . Well organized (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Sequence was well received. (x % Agree/Strongly Agree) Clearly communicated relationships of content from different disciplines. (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Learning objectives clearly identified. (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Grading policies clearly explained. (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Director responsive to student questions/concerns. (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Integrated and/or multidisciplinary sessions promoted ability to apply course content. (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Technologies (e.g.,CANVAS, Learning Catalytics) used during the course enhance my ability to learn the assigned materiel? (x% Agree/Strongly Agree) Osteopathic principles and philosophy were integrated within the course. (x% Agree/Strongly Agree)
Overall Reflection and Proposed Course Changes Based upon feedback from various sources (e.g. student evaluations, feedback from faculty, student outcomes, etc.), reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of the course content, curricular design, delivery methods, and assessments. Include graphical example of calendar for course (as it was delivered) Issues and Concern Narrative: Xxx Proposed Changes (see examples): Creating new session X: ID Department(s) impacted Merging session Y and Z: ID Department(s) impacted ID assessment changes Discuss sequence changes
Proposed Course Calendar
Proposed Course Change Summary I reviewed the Renal 2 course calendar I also reviewed a textbook “Understanding Pathophysiology”. Given the expected changes to Y2 courses including the removal of the Pediatric Course, as well as course evaluation feedback regarding the “Kidney under Pressure” session. I am proposing removal of Kidney Under Pressure and creating the following sessions with objectives for each session. Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function (NEW) Explain the basis of serum and urinalysis examination to evaluate renal function Describe the general anatomic and functional features of urinary tract obstructions. Define and identify the common etiologies for prerenal, intrarenal, and post renal failure. Describe chronic renal failure; identify the systemic manifestations of uremia. Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract function in children (NEW) Describe the common congenital/structural anomalies that occur within the renal and urologic system. Indicate glomerular disorders in children. Describe hemolytic uremic system and discuss in pathophysiology. Identify the structural cause of vesicorecteral reflux and explain the potential effect on renal function.
Previous Year Contact Hours Proposed Contact Hours SUMMARY: 20xx Course Report Analysis Breakdown Three hours of content converted to two new sessions (four hours) Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract function in children Course Contact Hours Activity Previous Year Contact Hours Proposed Contact Hours Lecture 54 55 Clinical Correlations 1 Patient Contacts TBL 11 Laboratory 17 Case Based Learning 5 Examination 5.5 Totals 94.5 95.5 Average contact per week was X hours Note: Changes in contact hours do not impact course catalog credit hours. Final Course Calendar and Syllabus approved 2 months before course launched