Brain MR imaging on DOL 2 in patient 5 while he was treated with induced hypothermia; comparison between the perfusion map and images obtained from conventional.


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Presentation transcript:

Brain MR imaging on DOL 2 in patient 5 while he was treated with induced hypothermia; comparison between the perfusion map and images obtained from conventional sequences. Brain MR imaging on DOL 2 in patient 5 while he was treated with induced hypothermia; comparison between the perfusion map and images obtained from conventional sequences. A and B, CBF maps obtained by perfusion imaging by ASL show decreased brain perfusion on DOL 1 (A) followed by increased brain perfusion on DOL 2 (B) in the GM, WM, and BGs bilaterally, compared with the control patient. C and D, ADC map (C) and DWI (D) on DOL 2 display multifocal areas of restricted diffusion within bilateral BGs and both cerebral hemispheres involving GM and WM. E, Changes on T2-weighted imaging on DOL 2 are subtle. P. Wintermark et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2011;32:2023-2029 ©2011 by American Society of Neuroradiology