Have you seen any of these posters around school Have you seen any of these posters around school? What other ones have you seen?
Human Rights - why do we need them? Last term, we all commemorated National Holocaust Memorial day which we can all agree emphasised the terrible effects of World War 2. After the war, certain people decided to find a way to try and prevent such atrocities from happening ever again.
Who were they created by? In1948, representatives from the 50 member states of the United Nations came together under the guidance of Eleanor Roosevelt to devise a list of all the rights that everybody across the world should enjoy. This became The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - thirty rights and freedoms that belong to all of us. 68 years on and the rights they included continue to form the basis for all international human rights law.
How do the universal human rights affect how we act in school? Fernhill’s Young Interpreters designed the posters. We have chosen some of the human rights that we believe have the most significance in our school environment. Can you think how? For example: ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’
‘Everyone has the right to education.’ What does this one mean? Are we preventing other students’ right to education by our behaviour? ‘Everyone has the right to education.’
How does this one affect the way we listen to each other How does this one affect the way we listen to each other? How can we show respect to one another? ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion’
The 2010 equality act A new Equality Act came into force in October 2010. Everyone in Britain is protected by the Act. The Equality Act 2010 brought together a number of existing laws into one place so that it is easier to use. It sets out the personal characteristics that are protected by the law.
Do you know what the 9 protected characteristics are of the equality act? Under the Act people are not allowed to discriminate, harass or victimise another person because they have any of the protected characteristics. Look at the next slide for one whole minute, then with a partner note down on a piece of paper the ones you can remember.
9 protected characteristics of the equality act – why do you think they are important?