Samia Metwally, DVM, PhD (FAO) Criteria for Selection and Responsibilities of Regional Leading Laboratory Samia Metwally, DVM, PhD (FAO) Gregorio Torres (OIE)
Lab Network- One Tool of the Global Strategy Develop, maintain and strengthen an integrated international, regional and national network of laboratories that can respond quickly to needs for rapid and accurate testing, and timely notification Gain more intelligence on FMD virus strains circulating in regions Improve vaccine selection – supporting both endemic and free countries and essential to progressive control Enhance diagnostic capability for other priority diseases in the region
FMD Lab and Epidemiology Networks Diagnostic analysis Surveillance, monitoring, and disease tracking
OIE-FAO FMD Ref Lab Network FMD Seven Regional Virus Pools 3 1 2 4 5 7 6 WRL- FMD Reference lab/centers
Current Status of FMD Reference Lab Network OIE/FAO FMD reference lab network One world and twelve reference labs/centers Annual meeting, training and work plans Provide diagnostic services Share disease status information in respective regions Create a comprehensive FMD report on an annual basis
Diagnostics Requirements for PCP Stages Implement risk-based control 2 1 Identify risk and control options Maintain zero circulation and incursions 4 Control strategy to eliminate circulation 3 Maintain zero circulation; withdraw vaccination 5 Surv & early detection Quality Ctr & Assurance VI, characterization, molecular dx, vaccine matching (Biocontainment) Monitoring Typing and SP ELISA VP1 sequencing Screening ELISA /PCR In country Region/reference
Surveillance Approaches Random or non-random approaches Virological Methods Serological Methods Clinical Methods
Regional Leading Laboratory Selection Criteria Creditability and acceptance by countries of the region Commitment from the government to support and sustain lab functions as described in the terms of reference Lab capacity and capability to perform diagnostics for FMD/PPR/other TADs Capability to handle exotic viruses from other countries in the region Certification to ship and receive international diagnostic samples Participated or willingness to take part in OIE twinning program Keen interest to be designated as a FAO/OIE reference center Established link with FMD reference laboratorty Maintain good performance on proficiency testing carried by reference center
Regional Leading Laboratory Terms of Reference Produces diagnostic reagents, SOPs and protocols Provides training to national laboratories using train the trainers approach Coordinates proficiency testing for the region (limited to screening tests) Receives and processes samples for diagnostics from countries of the region Ships samples to FAO/OIE reference centers for full characterization Ensures and assist in regional procurement of essential diagnostic reagents for emergency release Participates in regional laboratory network activities (potential leader) Links with the regional epidemiology network
Regional Leading Laboratory Procedures for Nomination Acceptance by countries of the region Meeting the selection criteria Government official commitment to support terms of reference/responsibilities
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