Fig. 1 General anatomy of C. spinosa. General anatomy of C. spinosa. (A) USNM83929C, counterpart in dorsal view, polarized light, specimen underwater. (B) USNM277933, lateral view, note ventrally curved tips of notochaetae, polarized light, dry. (C) Elemental map for carbon of gill from USNM83929C part, position of equivalent gill of counterpart shown in (A). (D) Close-up view of head of USNM83929C, and anterior appendages, polarized light, dry. (E) Close-up view of anterior region of USNM83929D, polarized light, dry. (F) SEM backscatter image of median antenna of USNM83929D [area outlined in (E)]. (G) ROMIP65172.1 showing median antenna, reflected light, specimen under alcohol. (H and I) ROMIP65173, dorsal view. (H) Close-up view of palp and thick carbon band in palp, polarized light, specimen under ethanol. (I) SEM backscatter image showing carbon in the palp. Dashed boxes indicate positions of close up images. ma, median antenna; mo, mouth; nech, neurochaetae; noch, notochaetae; pa, palps; pagr, palp groove. Luke Parry, and Jean-Bernard Caron Sci Adv 2019;5:eaax5858 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).