Lesson 3- Perspective taking-Inspiration porn “Over the years we have seen media stories of disabled people climbing mountains, trekking in the jungles or across polar icecaps and sailing the stormy seas. In order to do so they are happy to reinforce stereotypical media imagery of disabled people and become the modern day ’tiny Tim's’ in the eyes of other disabled people who feel such imagery should be challenged rather than embraced” (Oliver, 2009, p. 24) 11/5/2019
Activity For the first activity a picture will appear. I want you to pay attention to your visual focus when you see this picture. In other words- What do you see first? 11/5/2019
So where was your focus. The first thing you saw was. The second So where was your focus? The first thing you saw was? The second? The third? The forth? Link into Qualtrics 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 https://uidaho.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_doIosToaLqny3kh 11/5/2019
Plato’s allegory of the cave Plato’s allegory- suppose all your life you lived in a cave. The only light is from a fire. What you see are shadows. Let’s also suppose you emerge from the cave. Outside the cave you see blue sky, green grass, trees, and lakes. You return to the cave to tell all of your friends. Would they believe your story of the outside world? Question 3.5. https://uidaho.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e3ZfCZ7xS7htklD 11/5/2019
As we have learned in the first lesson of perspective taking about Martin Buber’s I-thou and I-it, we have to be aware of our assumptions and lived experiences. This is known as Plato’s allegory of the cave. Plato’s cave is our experiences of our lives. When we are in the cave we have to remember that what we know can bias us as to what we do not know. Therefore, assumptions can appear because of the cave. There can be assumptions of pain, assumptions of incompetency, and assumptions of lack of intelligence. 11/5/2019
When we have assumptions, What happens? Assumptions of pain These assumptions of pain can lead us to believe that all people with physical impairments are in pain because of their impairment. This is not true for all people with physical impairments. 11/5/2019
When we have assumptions, What happens? Assumptions of incompetency This assumption of incompetency can lead us to believe that all people with physical impairments cannot do many physical tasks because of their impairment. This is not true as people of para-ability can do most if not all tasks. 11/5/2019
When we have assumptions, What happens? Assumptions of lack of intelligence This assumption that there is a lack of intelligence can lead us to believe that all people with physical impairments are also people with cognitive impairments. This is not true as many people with physical impairments are very intelligent and their impairment does not affect their intelligence. 11/5/2019
Perspective taking Perspective taking is affected by Plato’s cave. Why? If one is in Plato’s cave with all his or her own assumptions one cannot take another person’s perspective as one does not know how to. Plato’s cave is a burden to appreciate others. One must stop and learn how to perspective take to avoid Plato’s cave. 11/5/2019
Inspirational porn- No more Your task is to watch the video. The speaker of this video is Stella Young, who was a disability advocate and a comedian. https://www.ted.com/talks/stella_young_i_m_not_your_inspiration_t hank_you_very_much/discussion Part 1 Watch from- 2:37- 3:09 Part 2 watch from - 8:54-9:00 11/5/2019
Give three points as to what you learned or what challenged you? Link into Qualtrics… 3.6 3.7 3.8 https://uidaho.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1NfwWLjVS8wFojz 11/5/2019
Assumptions can lead to pity… Many times people feel pity towards people with physical impairments or they feel as though these people are an inspiration. Stella Young In the video says, “Don’t feel sorry for me”. Stella’s point is that we should not feel sorry for people with physical impairments and we should not think they are only placed on this earth to be our inspiration. 11/5/2019
Conclusion The point of this lesson was to inform you of Plato’s cave and help you understand the assumptions that are placed on people with physical impairments when one is in the cave. Furthermore, you watched a video from Stella Young who coined inspirational porn and how we should stop viewing people with physical impairments as inspiration. 11/5/2019
Questions of Right Choice 3.9 What is the right thing to do? 3.9Think outside the box of Plato’s cave, people with physical impairments are no different than other human beings. 11/5/2019
Questions of Right Choice 3.9.1 Why is it the right thing to do? 3.9.1 People are people- treat all people with dignity and respect. 11/5/2019
Questions of Right Choice 3.9.2What are the social moral perspectives to support the answer? 3.9.2 No person is perfect- All people have limitations. Differences are no more than differences. 11/5/2019
Final reflection and at least one lesson learned Please link here to give at least one thing or concept you learned from this particular lesson. If you have any questions please add here as well. https://uidaho.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3C7mehIYWgaZ9yZ 11/5/2019