Renal Norepinephrine Content, Circulating Renin, Ang II, and Aldosterone Levels at 18 Weeks Post TAC (A) Renal tissue norepinephrine content (ng/ml). (B) Plasma renin (ng/ml). (C) Plasma Ang II (pg/ml). (D) Circulating Aldo levels (pg/ml). (E) Renal Aldo levels (pg/ml) in mice from Sham, HF + Control, HF + JK-1 3 weeks post TAC, and HF + JK-1 10 weeks post TAC groups at 18 weeks post TAC. All data were analyzed with 1-way ANOVA. Circles inside bars denote the sample size. Aldo = aldosterone; Ang II = angiotensin II; other abbreviations as in Figure 1. Zhen Li et al. BTS 2018;3:796-809 2018 The Authors