Choose Your Own Adventure OJCS Prototype Cycle Choose Your Own Adventure
STEP 1: IDEA PERCOLATION You have an idea based on data collection, feedback from stakeholders, information gathering, and research. Not completely. Please collect more data YES! Ready to move on.
STEP 2: IDEATION (TALK IT THROUGH) Talk through your idea with your thought partners. Who are your thought partners? Colleagues from your grade level or subject(s), colleagues from other grade levels or subjects, administration, ELT members, students. You choose at least two members to talk through the idea with. Questions to discuss: What is your overall prototype goal? Ex. Middle School Instagram Account What are your assumptions? Ex. Students have Instagram accounts How can you gather information about these assumptions? Ex. Surveyed middle school students to find who has an account and would use it. Talk more Done!
STEP 2: IDEATION (CONTINUED) After talking about your idea with your thought partners, you’ll decide one of two things: This is a great idea to try out in my classroom, but does not need to go on to STEP 3. This is a great idea to try in my classroom, and needs to go onto STEP 3. It is a prototype that can benefit other students and/or teachers and can be scalable. It’s Pitchin’ Time! I’ll try it out in my classroom
Let us know if you need anything for your pitch! STEP 3: PROTOTYPE PITCH Complete this Google Form to share a little bit more about your idea. When you send the form in, Ellie will contact you to help arrange a time to meet. Done my pitch. Now what? Let us know if you need anything for your pitch!
STEP 4: PLANNING It is time to apply the feedback you received from thought partners and your pitch and apply it. This is also when you plan the resources you need for it. Ex. bus, field trip form, add dates to Faculty Calendar. This should also include sharing your idea with Communications to help share the story of your prototype. An important part of your planning is also how will you build in feedback into your prototype (surveys, conversations with students, FlipGrid reflections). I’m ready to go!
For example: Pineapple PD! STEP 5: IMPLEMENTATION This step is a cycle of: FEEDBACK- REFLECTION- SHARING Feedback: Hear from others how your prototype is going. This doesn’t need to only take place at the end and can be ongoing. Remember to include an avenue for student voice- it’s their learning! Reflection: Will this prototype continue? What worked? What didn’t work? Sharing: Share the story of your prototype and what you learned on your blog and InfoHub. For example: Pineapple PD! Authentic Artifacts! Think you’re done? BLOG IT!
STEP 6: REPEAT Continue on your adventure or start a new one!