Introduction to Criminology Soc 1301-001 Jeff Maahs Criminologist, Packer Fan
Things to Note Contact Information Textbook Attendance—The “Silent Killer” Valid and Invalid Excuses TURN OFF YOUR !@!#@@ CELL PHONES Grade (Exams + Group) Course Outline Web Site (Powerpoint Slides)
Group Exercises Each group = 5 students Group activities about once per week Each group will have a Teaching Assistant assigned to them They will collect and grade assignments—any issues related to group work should be directed to the teaching assistants! These activities will make up 1/4 of your grade (same weight as an exam)
Teaching Assistants (Office Hours for Cina 220a) Anna Peterson (Wednesday 1-2pm) Group 1-10 Kevin Franek (Tuesday 12-1pm) Group 11-20 Mike Rasmussen (Monday 10-11am) Group 21-30 Kelly Christie (Tuesday 2-3:30pm) Group 31-40
First Group Exercise Go around and introduce yourselves: Name, Major, Where from originally… Come to a consensus on the two most important causes of crime Note, “criminals” is not a valid answer Given your answer, how would you limit or prevent crime?