Welcome Back to CGHS!
Mrs. Palmer I graduated from Columbus State University in 1983, and the University of Virginia in 2003. I am currently attending Georgia State University to complete my Masters in Literacy. This is my seventh year teaching Language Arts at Central Gwinnett. I am married with two children and a granddaughter; my family and friends mean the world to me. My favorite hobbies are walking, cooking, and reading. I love flowers and the outdoors.
“Blended” Language Arts and Social Studies 1.5 class periods (longer 5th period) 2 graduation credits (LA and SS) Content will “compliment” each other for deeper understanding of both the historical period and the literature. Curriculum is driven by the Social Studies calendar due to testing requirements.
Materials Needed Textbook- Timeless Voices Timeless Themes Literature Black and white composition notebook Three Ring Binder with divider tabs Paper, pencils, blue or black pens Highlighters, notecards, sticky notes Kleenex, hand sanitizer, copy paper Flash drive
Evaluation Procedures: Literature Quizzes Vocabulary/Grammar Quizzes Unit Tests Essays Projects Extra Credit will be given at our discretion. Homework will be given and you are expected to complete it!
Make-Up Work/Late Work It is YOUR responsibility to check the website for make-up work. You must have an excused absence to make up missed work. You have five days to make arrangements to complete your missed work. Any paper or project turned in late will be deducted by one letter grade for each day turned in late.
Classroom Procedures: You must be in the classroom when the bell rings. Daily work must be turned in to the tray on the work table. Bathroom passes should only be used in emergencies. Pencils should be sharpened BEFORE class begins. Cell phone use is prohibited. Respect is to be used at all times.
Discipline Warning and Documentation Action Plan Parent Contact and Friday detention Discipline Referral to Administrator
Tardy Policy Be on time, and working on your bell ringer assignment when the tardy bell rings! 1st Tardy: Warning 2nd Tardy: Warning 3rd Tardy: Parent Phone Call Detention/Referral by administrator *Over 5 minutes late=AWOL *Cumulative for 9 weeks
Here’s to a Great Year! Reasons to be excited about Language Arts: You get to read about topics that relate to your life! You get to “visit” fun places and time periods! You get to learn how writing can truly affect your life! We are so excited about teaching you!