MHSAA Cheer & Dance Summer Meeting July 2019
Coach Qualifications Pg. 4 Spirit Manual 1. AACCA-–every 4 years; cheer only; asst. & head 2. CPR—every 2 years 3. Safety/First Aid—every 5 years 4 Concussion Course—one time; asst. & head 5. Sportsmanship—those who have not completed STAR program (pg. 8 middle school students) **2019-2020 Spirit Manual posted on line**
Additional Requirements in Spirit Manual 1. Emergency Plan—pg. 4 2. Keep Checklist of Skills—pg. 5 3. Emergency Plan for Injuries—pg. 6
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MHSAA Handbook Points of Interest 1. Eligibility—pg. 15-16 2. Age Requirements—pg. 17 3. Academic Requirements—pg. 19-20 4. DragonFly Eligibility—pg. 93 5. Paraprofessional Requirements—pg. 51-52