Surface Anatomy Badira Al Qudah
Skull anatomy Divided in 2 parts: 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones Divided in 2 parts: clavaria (cap) and floor Each consists of 4 bones Cap: Frontal , Rt and Lt parietal and occipital bones Floor: Rt and Lt temporal, sphenoid and ethmoid bones
Frontal bone: consists of 2 parts: squamous or vertical portion (forehead) and orbital or horizontal portion (superior part of the orbits) Metopic suture: in infancy this suture divides the bone into two, a condition which may persist throughout life.
Orbital or horizontal portion galbella is located between eye brows and above the bridge of the nose (connection of superciliary arches ) supraorbital groove: a depression above the eye brow corresponds to the floor of the anterior fossa of the cranial bone and the highest level (orbital plate) of the facial bone Supraorbital margin: the superior rim of the orbit
Supraorbital foramen: a hole within the Supraorbital margin located medially to the midpoint of it transmits the supraorbital vessels and nerve. The ridge of bone under the eye brow is called superciliary ridge (between them is the glabella) Above the supraorbital groove on each side of the squamous bone a rounded prominence called frontal tuberosity
Orbital plate: form the superior part of the orbit and the floor of the anterior fossa Orbital plates are separated by the ethmoidal notch Nasal spine (frontal) is located on the anterior end of the ethmoidal notch
Articulation Frontal bone articulates with 12 other bones: parietal, Ethmoid Sphenoid, Nasal, Lacrimal Maxilla Zygomatic
Articulations of the frontal bone
Parietal bones The parietal bones form, by their union, the sides and the roof of the cranium. Each bone is irregularly quadrilateral in shape, and has two surfaces, four borders, and four angles. Sagittal border, squamous border, frontal border, occipital border. Angles: Frontal angle-superior fontanel- Bregma. Occipital angle-inferior fontanel- Lambda.
The external surface is convex, smooth, and marked near the center by a slight elevation, termed the parietal eminence.
Articulations: parietal bones are articulate with 5 bones: Opposite parietal frontal temporal sphenoid Occipital
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