Fall of the Roman Empire Unit 1, SSWH 3 e p. 173 -179
SSWH 3 e Analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
Why are modern societies based on the achievements of the Romans and the Greeks?
Factors of the Collapse Economy Weak: slavery down, disrupted trade, lack of resources, high taxes, & inflation Military: Less disciplined & loyal, hired mercenaries Politics: didn’t care about the empire, lack of patriotism
Roman Empire Divided Diocletian, emperor, can’t rule the massive empire by himself Divides empire to make ruling more efficient Socially: East: wealthy Greek (Byzantium) West: poor Latin/Roman
Western Empire Collapses Germanic tribes pushed into Roman lands to flee the attack from Mongolian Huns Military wasn’t strong nor loyal enough to defend attacks
Prepare to share in one minute The Walls Came Tumbling Down The Roman Empire fell because… Jot 4 reasons Prepare to share in one minute