Annual Meeting November 5, 2018 #beerworthfinding
New Members
New Members
New Members
Strategic Areas of Focus 2019-2021 Advocacy Marketing and Social Media Governance Operations Member Relations Programs
Advocacy Advocacy Distributing members will have a contract with distributors by January 1, 2021 Protect existing law from negative changes and look for opportunities to make positive changes Vote on whether to pursue defining Vermont beer Assess current environmentally sustainable practices of members, prioritizing an examination of wastewater treatment
Marketing and Social Media Increase revenue to both festivals annually Develop and implement a social media strategy to grow and leverage social media following
Governance Review of bylaws Succession planning for Executive Director Succession planning for the Board
Operations Increase revenue from allied partners annually Realign staff workload with appropriate job descriptions Improve strategic communication with membership and measure increases in response and feedback
Member Relations Develop a group buying program Increase percentage of member breweries involved in Board and committee work and VBA activities Increase awareness and participation in the web forum so it is the “go-to” place for information Create a best practices manual for members
Programs Maintain existing 2 technical programs and expand educational opportunities Educate key accounts on maintaining clean lines, beer storage and other best practices for how retailers should handle the beer before it reaches the consumer Evaluate the Green Mountain Beer Week
Keynote Address Joan Goldstein Commissioner Vermont Department of Economic Development, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
Patrick Delaney Commissioner Department of Liquor and Lottery Invited Guest Patrick Delaney Commissioner Department of Liquor and Lottery
Invited Guest Representative Tom Stevens Vice Chair General Housing and Military Affairs
Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors
Invited Guest Jessica Oski Necrason Group Franchise FAQ & Importance of Government Relations Liaison
2018/2019 Legislative Overview Presented by Committee Chair Paul Sayler
Franchise Reform Define “What is Vermont Beer” Vermont Seal of Quality
Proposed Change to Bylaws Article III Board of Directors F. REMOVAL OF A DIRECTOR: The Members may remove one or more directors (with or without cause) at a meeting called for that purpose, if notice has been given that a purpose of the meeting is such removal, and if the number of votes cast by the Members to remove the director would be sufficient to elect the director at a meeting to elect directors. The Board of Directors may remove a director for failing to attend two (2) of six (6) regular meetings of the Board of Directors in each fiscal year. During a Board members current term, if there is a change in controlling ownership to that members company, that board member must step down as a board member.
There is one vote per brewery Thank you! New Board Members & Legislative Overview Bylaw change Defining Vermont beer There is one vote per brewery Thank you!
Passport App and Member Forum Refresher Amy Cronin Festival and Marketing Manager
Chuck Soucy Sustainability Committee & Catherine Coteus Department of Environmental Conservation
Anne Linehan VBA Treasurer & Avery Schwenk VBA President Financial Update Anne Linehan VBA Treasurer & Avery Schwenk VBA President
2018 Financial Highlights Projecting Small Profit Rollover - $3K Came Within 40 Tickets of Sales Goal Burlington Exceeded Ticket Sales Goal by 15 Killington Merchandise Sales Doubled Since Rebrand Killington Profitable in Year 1 - $13K Successful Investment Franchise Reform - $20K Strong and Solid Financial Position
2019 Budget Highlights Projecting Profit Rollover - $10K Burlington Ticket Sales Based on 2018 Actuals Killington Ticket Sales Based on 250 Increase Ticket Prices Raised to $44 - $1 BTV & $2 Killington Investment in Part-Time Office Manager Investment in Year-Round Government Liaison No Longer Reliant on Grant Funding
Call for Committee Participation Events Finance Governance and Membership Relations Government Affairs Marketing Technical and Education NEW - Sustainability
Voting Results Melissa Corbin Executive Director
Open Discussion & Q&A With Your Board of Directors
Avery Schwenk, President Hermit Thrush Brewery Paul Sayler, Vice President Zero Gravity James Branagan, Secretary Whetstone Station Anne Linehan, Treasurer Brocklebank Craft Brewing Dan Ukolowicz Simple Roots Brewing Marly Thompson Harpoon Brewery Marty Bonneau Goodwater Brewery Dan Sartwell 14th Star Brewing Co.
Thank You for Coming! Please join us for networking, beers, and pretzels Find your Killington collaboration here or at the bottle sharing Brewers Gathering tonight at the Mt. Ascutney Villa at 7:00