Ms. Alderson’s Superheroes 2nd Grade 770-578-7200 Ms. Alderson’s Superheroes Week of November 5, 2018 WEEKLY HOMEWORK A Peek at Our Week Reading: Connections We will describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. Writing Choose a writing prompt from the November writing calendar Choose an activity from the November challenge board Math Practice math facts IXL Use math strategies flipbook to help solve math problems Math: Addition and Subtraction We will add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value. Spelling Choose an activity from Speller’s Choice Board Complete S.O.S. for weekly words: before, about, very Writing: Informational Writing We will write informative/explanatory texts that include all of the following: introduce the topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or sections. Reading Read a nonfiction text for 20 minutes every day Raz-kids Science/SS/Health: Historical Figures We will learn about the contributions of James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and Sequoyah and how they were influenced by their environments. S.S./Science Review resources found in interactive notebook/homework binder about the historical figures Class Blog: Spelling & Word Study Spelling Pattern Language Skill Mark Your Calendar Suffixes –es and -s Words ending with s, x, z, ch, or sh, add –es Ex: box-boxes, wish-wishes Words ending in all other consonants, add –s Ex: ring-rings, bug-bugs Reflexive Pronouns We will identify and use reflexive pronouns when speaking or writing. Ex: myself, ourselves November 6 – Election Day (No school for students) November 9 – School wide STEM Day November 12 – Book Fair Begins-Class will visit at 8:35 November 15 – Adventures in Art at 9:30 Weekly Words before, about, very