Customer Problem Statement Template A Customer Problem Statement is a detailed description of an issue that needs to be addressed by a problem-solving team. It is written to focus the team at the beginning, keep the team on track during the innovation project, and to confirm that the team delivered an appropriate solution that addresses a real customer need at the end of the project. The Customer Problem Statement is a critical component of a project’s statement of purpose. It helps all members of the team understand why they are working on the project and helps provide clarity on the reasons behind the project. With a Customer Problem Statement as the backbone of a project, team members will be less likely to understand the problem differently and will be more likely to strive for a common solution. Want more tools and templates? Visit
Customer Problem Statement Template I am Describe customer with 3-4 key characteristics - who are they? I'm trying to List their outcome or “job” the care about - what are they trying to achieve? but Describe what problems or barriers stand in the way – what bothers them most? because Enter the "root cause" of why the problem or barrier exists – what needs to be solved? which makes me feel Describe the emotions from the customer’s point of view – how does it impact them emotionally? Want more tools and templates? Visit
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