Warm Up 10-29-13 What is a Constitution? Give your definition of what you think a constitution is and what it does. A constitution is a document that provides the fundamental plan of operation for a government.
The Articles of Confederation
Confederation Articles of what? A confederation is an organization that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
Drafted By the Continental Congress from 1776 to 1777 Established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states Served as the United States’ first constitution
NOW LETS PLAY STRENGTH or WEAKNESS The Articles of confederation was written so that the federal government could not levy (put) taxes on the states without the approval of each state. WEAKNESS
WEAKNESS STRENGTH or WEAKNESS Each state received one vote when making decisions regardless of the population or size of the state. Every state’s opinion carried an equal amount of weight. WEAKNESS
WEAKNESS STRENGTH or WEAKNESS One strong legislative branch with no executive or judicial branch. There was no national court system, each state was required to have their own individual courts. WEAKNESS
STRENGTH STRENGTH or WEAKNESS The Articles of Confederation made it possible for the federal government to declare war on other nations when necessary. STRENGTH
STRENGTH or WEAKNESS Each state was able to have its own individual currency (money) to promote growth in its economy. WEAKNESS
STRENGTH STRENGTH or WEAKNESS The federal government could coin money to stimulate the economy and grow economic influence. STRENGTH
STRENGTH STRENGTH or WEAKNESS The AOC allowed the federal government to establish post offices and expand its communication system. STRENGTH
WEAKNESS STRENGTH or WEAKNESS According to the Articles of Confederation there could be no standing military (no organized Army or Navy). Each state was allowed to have a militia and as many regular soldiers needed to protect important places. WEAKNESS
STRENGTH STRENGTH or WEAKNESS The federal government could send and recall ambassadors to other countries to improve foreign affairs and build relationships with other countries. STRENGTH
WEAKNESS STRENGTH or WEAKNESS In order for a law to be passed, ALL thirteen states must agree on it. Without unanimous approval, no new laws could be put into place. WEAKNESS
WEAKNESS STRENGTH or WEAKNESS The AOC made it so that the Federal government had no say in the trade of goods within the states. The states were able to impose their own tariffs (taxes) on each other. WEAKNESS