Contact your tutor at the UIB His/Her contact and email address will appear on the academic information from the drop-down menu of the online applicaton.
Discuss and confirm your courses in the Final Study Programme
Should you need to make any changes.....
-Will I be able to enroll in modules/courses out of my field of study??? -Yes, however, 50% of your course choice will have to be related to your area of study. Timetables: https://www.uib.eu/study/grau/turisme/GTUR-P/20509/index.html
Where do I get enrolled?? At your Faculty. Registration will be in-person. You look for “Servicios Administrativos”office. Students from the faculty of Tourism, will be registered at the Faculty of Economics Master students, at Post- Graduate Center, n. 10
Documents after being registered: -Enrollment slip, 11,53 + 1,12euros Payment cash at the bank office or through you UIB digital (your intranet account) -“UIB digital”credentials with a user name and password. -Validate your email account -UIB email account will be created -Wi-fi activation -Apply for student card
How to apply for the student card Tab and accept terms and conditions
Language in spanish
12,65 eur tax to be paid cash at the bank office or credit card through the same platform
Make sure you complete all your personal data …and save the changes
º Banco Santander: Card delivered to your address
And the last step … Remember to activate the card
How to apply for the bus card: -Get yourself registered through the City Council. -Rental contract as a proof and ID card or passport required. -Show evidence you are a UIB students so that you get more discount on top of that.
CITIZEN SUPPORT OFFICES IN PALMA Once you have the card, discount applies to any public transport such as city bus, subway, train and TIB bus that connects Palma to any other destination within the island
Apply for the NIE number -Identification number for foreigners, compulsory.
CATALAN COURSE: 6 ECTS will be granted for 60h 10 euros tax Registration will be through the following link: https://slg.uib.eu/Cursos-de-llengua-catalana-2019-20/Procediment-de-matricula/ Language Department
SPANISH COURSE: 6 ECTS worth for 60h course. Placement test will take place 30 September in the Faculty of Economics “Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos building” 80 euros tax Registration: https://cursosele.uib.es/matric ula/ More information at: formacio@fueib.org
Documents can also be downloaded on the link below, please click on “Documentos de utilidad durante tu estancia” http://www.uib.es/es/internacionals/mobilitat/externs/
sri.uib.es Thank you!! International Relations Office Opening hours: Monday – Thursday 10:00 to 14:00 Thank you!!