2019-20 CSI Human Resource Training Returning Contacts 2019-20 CSI Human Resource Training
Purpose of HR Collection The Human Resources collection contains all general education staff information as of the official staff count date. This information is used for: School Staff Demographics Turnover Rates Average Salaries by Position/Education level Educator Effectiveness Ratings Highly Qualified Status https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdereval/staffcurrent
Who to Include/Exclude in HR Collection? All general and special education staff employed as of December 1st Full or Part time Staff Office/Clerical, teachers, principals, administrators etc. Contracted Staff Exclude Substitutes unless permanent (90+ days in the same classroom) Temporary workers (after school coaches etc.) Staff not employed as of December 1st Student interns under the age of 18
Required Files To create the Human Resource report, each school will be submitting the following interchange files to CSI: Staff Profile [file layout & definitions]* Staff Assignment [file layout & definitions]* * All File Layout and Definition Documents from CSI website contain additional CSI specific details pertaining to fields in green.
Staff Profile Overview -1 record per staff employee -EDID cannot be zero filled and must match what is in EDIS, particularly Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, and Gender -Search the below link prior to requesting an EDID and use existing if available https://www.cde.state.co.us/idm/edis -Race must be provided for all staff -Ethnicity – Hispanic or Latino is considered an Ethnicity and a race must also be reported -No fields can be left blank with the exception of End Date of Assignment -If field is not applicable for a staff member, it must be zero filled
Staff Assignment Overview Multiple Records are allowed per person based on: When reporting multiple records for a staff member: -Contract Days would not be split -Base Salary would be split, but hourly would not -Hours per Day would be split according to time spent in each role Special Education Status Location Job Class Code Grant Code Teaching Subject Area Grade Levels (elementary/secondary need to be separate)
CSI Human Resource Snapshot Level 1 - Errors Level 2 - Errors SPED Child SPED Participation CSI Human Resource Snapshot Staff Profile Staff Assignment SPED Child CSI December Count Snapshot SPED Participation Staff Profile Staff Assignment **HR contacts are responsible for resolving Level 1 and Level 2 HR errors IN ADDITION TO working with the data submissions contact in resolving Level 1 and Level 2 December Count errors that are caused by inaccuracies in the HR data.**
Cross Collection Collaboration School HR Staff must collaborate with the SPED Staff at your school completing December Count. This is due to: December Count errors may require changes to either the SP or SA files to resolve Involves inconsistencies with data entered for Special Education Staff, including: SPED Flag Grade Levels Taught FTE and Funding Source issues Be sure you are reaching out to your schools SPED Staff to inquire about any cross collection errors that may have occurred Available in the Data Submissions Handbook
Criteria for Addition to the HR Snapshot vs. December Count Snapshot Human Resources December Count Files must be Level 1 Error Free Special Education Flag = 0 (Non-Special Education) Start date is December 1st or prior to December 1st of reporting school year End Date is either blank or post December 1st of the reporting school year Job class codes are not equal to 632 (Temporary/Part-time Worker As Needed) or 634 (Student Worker) Employment Status Code = 11, 12, 13, 23, 25 or 26 EDID is reported in both Staff Profile and Staff Assignment Association files for reporting district. Files must be Level 1 Error Free Special Education Flag = 1 Start date is December 1st or prior to December 1st of reporting school year End Date is either blank or post December 1st of the reporting school year EDID is reported in both Staff Profile (Profile and educational background) and Staff Assignment Association files for reporting district. Employment Status Codes will be included: 11, 12, 13, 23, 25 or 26. Administrative Unit code cannot zero-filled in either staff profile or staff assignment files
HR Collection Process
HR Data Collection in 5 Steps Repeat steps 2-4 until data is complete and accurate!
Step 1: Collection Prep Resources and Trainings https://resources.csi.state.co.us/human-resources/ 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Step 2: Data Collection/Entry What Data to Collect File Layout and Definition Documents Optional forms Data Validations for HR Collection Resource 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
File Layout and Definition Documents – CSI Additions 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Using File Layout and Definition Document Example Upon receiving your first error report, you notice all staff have received ST053 and ST054 errors pertaining to incorrectly coding the Hours Worked per Day Field. Typically most staff are coded as working 8 hours per day if only in one role and you have each one coded 8.00. Why are you receiving these errors? Use the Staff Assignment File Layout! Upon review of the summary information at the top of the File Layout and Definitions Document, you can see the Field Length=4 and the Example=0800 This shows the 8.00 you are currently using is not in the correct format. There should be no decimals as they are implied and 4 digits, so it should have a leading 0 Referencing this document will quickly allow you to correct your issue! 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Educator Identifiers (EDIDs) EDID is the unique identifier for each row in the interchange files Errors in the HR Report are generated if a staff record does not precisely match the EDIS system Must match on EDID; First and Last Names; DOB; and Gender If the EDIS system is wrong or if you need to request a EDID, please follow the process on the CSI webpage and/or please contact submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us Request early to avoid the bottleneck around December Count when possible CSI RITS/EDIS Process: https://resources.csi.state.co.us/sasid-edid-requests/ EDIS Log in: https://www.cde.state.co.us/idm/edis EDIS Rules, Process, &Training: https://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/yr_edis 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
HR Coding Scenarios https://resources.csi.state.co.us/hr-coding-scenarios/ 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
ESSA In-Field Crosswalk https://resources.csi.state.co.us/cde-essa-in-field-crosswalk/ 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Using the ESSA In-Field Crosswalk Example You have a Staff Member who teaches 8th grade and you are unsure what to provide for Demonstrates In-Field Status 1. Filter the Crosswalk using the Teaching Subject Area and Subject Area of Degree Fields! Based on this table, a Staff member teaching 7th/8th grade must have their degree in 0450 – Elementary Education in order to code their In Field Status as 02 – Degree in Subject Area or higher. If not, the staff member must be coded with the next highest applicable option (03, 04, 05) Teaching Subject Area is on the Staff Assignment file and the Subject Area of Degree is on the Staff Profile 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Data Verification Strategies Checklist for HR Collection https://resources.csi.state.co.us/hr-data-verification-strategies/ 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Data Verification Strategies Example As you are going through your template files, you are unsure on how to best code Special Education Staff. Reference the Data Verification Strategies Checklist! Based on this information, you know that: All SPED Staff need to have their Administrative Unit Coded as 80010 The Special Education Assignment Flag needs to b 1 Ensure that the grades match the roster of students the Staff Member is working with to avoid December Count errors Verify that the Funding Source is either 4027 or 3130 depending on the current situation. 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
HR Forms for Schools CSI SPED Form (IDEA School Instructor Form) required for special education staff being funded through IDEA – grant/project funding code of 4027 Submit to Marcie Robidart CSI HR Form (HR Editable New Hire Form) 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Where should Data be Entered for HR? Data Management System OR Excel Starting Point Files OR Blank Templates (New Schools) 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
School Starting Point Files – CSI Updates 18-19 Staff Profile and Staff Assignment starting point files can be found here: FileZilla HR 19-20 Starting Point Files Include: Final data from the 18-19 HR collection Formatted to align with 19-20 requirements Included data in some of the adjusted fields Highlighted Demonstrates In-Field Status coding option 06 – HQ via 24 hours Grant/Project Funding Codes highlighted for some staff in job codes 201, 206, 222, 223, 415, 419 when not updated correctly last year 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
School Starting Point Files – School Updates Removal of rows for staff that won’t be employed at the school in 18-19 Addition of rows for staff that are either new to the school or are taking on an additional role at the school Addition of rows for contractors that may have previously been left out Update Staff listed as 06 – HQ Via 24 Hours to the next best option. These will be highlighted on your Staff Assignment files. Change to key fields (years of experience, salary, assignments, etc.) for returning staff as appropriate Add +1 for years of education experience, years of teaching experience, years of principal experience as needed 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
New HR File Creation Tips Excel or CSV files can be uploaded to the data pipeline New schools creating files need to manually create a Staff Profile and Staff Assignment file separately 1st record/row must always contain headings or titles Header Row can be kept the same as in template or updated to make sense to you Codes must match what is in the File Layout, including field lengths Blanks are not allowed with the exception of Staff End Date of Assignment Can be left blank or “00000000” Must be created for all new schools or school new to CSI who do not have the previous years files 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Using RANDA for New File Creation CSI schools using RANDA have the option of exporting data from the system to populate HR Files. Staff with SI/AS/HR for RANDA can run the export. Click on the “Reports” option and ensure you are selecting the 2018-2019 Academic Year. The “Report Type” should be “Exports”. Within the Report Dropdown, select the “HR Collection Template” Report can be used to Populate the Staff Profile file. https://www.cde.state.co.us/educatoreffectiveness/randa 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Step 3: Submission to CSI Correct Naming of Files Examples: SCHOOLCODE_SCHOOLABBREV_StaffProfile_Date SCHOOLCODE_SCHOOLABBREV_StaffAssignment_Date Files should not contain any spaces in order to upload to the data pipeline Ensure you are uploading them to the correct folder in FileZilla. It should be: FileZilla>HR>SY 19-20>Files to Run Email the submissions inbox (Submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us) once file is available to process 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Step 4: Error Resolution Error Reports loaded to HR Error Reports CSI Troubleshooting Errors Resource Staff Profile Errors tab Staff Assignment Errors tab HR – Level 2 Errors tab December Count – Level 2 Errors tab 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Step 4: Error Resolution 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Step 4: Error Resolution Example Upon initial submittal of the HR files, you are receiving a staff assignment error on one staff member who works 3 hours and 20 minutes a day in their role. The error is pertaining to the Hours Worked per Day field and are unsure how to properly code the hours. The ST101 error you are receiving states: Hours Worked per Day is mandatory and must be between 0033 and 1000 (20 minutes to 10 hours per day) if Employment Status Code is 11, 12, or 13. Since you are unsure on how to code the errors you reference the Troubleshooting errors document! The additional troubleshooting notes show: Based on this information and examples, you now understand that the field must be coded 0333! 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
Step 5: Data Review Summary/certification report will be provided once error free Steps to Complete: Review each tab thoroughly to determine accuracy of data If accurate, ensure all applicable parties (below) have signed and return scanned version of the signed Certification tab to CSI School Leader, Data Submissions Coordinator and the HR Contact If errors are found, modify most recent error free files or reach out to CSI for assistance Changes will be uploaded to the Data Pipeline and a new summary report provided Once data is accurate, sign and return prior to the due date. 1. Collection Prep 2. Data Entry and Review 3. Submit to CSI 4. Resolve Errors 5. Certify
2019-2020 File Updates
Staff Assignment File Changes Code or Definition Changes: Teaching Subject Area has added a new code: 2800 - JROTC/ROTC as an option that can be selected for that field. The Demonstrates In-Field Status field no longer allows: 06 – HQ via 24 Hours. This has been phased out over the last couple years with 18-19 being the last year it could be used.
Staff Assignment – In Field Status Field 06 – HQ via 24 Hours is no longer a valid code
Common HR Questions and Issues
Staff Assignment Fields A staff member should have a line of data for EACH position they are in. Teachers teaching grades between K-5th AND 7-12th, must have separate detail records for each grade range. 6th grade can be reported in either grade grouping. Hourly Rate of Pay- If an individual has multiple positions in which they are paid hourly, hourly rate of pay should NOT be split between assignments. Instead, include the actual hourly rate for each record. Base Salary or Wage- If an individual has multiple assignments (i.e. multiple lines of data), each assignment should include the portion of the salary in this field
Salary/Hourly Pay Examples Salary Employee Hourly Employee Bob serves as Bus Driver and Custodian. He gets paid $8.50/hour Bob should have: 1 row of data in the Staff Profile file. 2 rows of data in the Staff Assignment file. In each row’s Hourly Rate of Pay field, it should have 0850 (decimal is implied). Tom serves as Assistant Principal 60% of the time and Counselor 40% of the time. He gets a salary of $50,000. Tom should have: 1 row of data in the Staff Profile file. 2 rows of data in the Staff Assignment file. In the Principal row of data, Base Salary or Wage field should be 30000 (.6*50,000) In the Counselor row of data, Base Salary of Wage field should be 20000 (.4*50,000)
Teacher/Principal Performance Ratings If you have received the waiver for CRS 22-9-106 AND CRS 22-2-112(1)(q)(I), then do not report teacher or principal performance ratings in the SA file. All CSI schools have 22-9-106 All schools also have 22-2-112(1)(q)(I) Ensure that all fields pertaining to both Teacher and Principal evaluation ratings are zero-filled on the Staff Profile (columns AB-AP) file prior to submitting data. If you have questions on this, feel free to reach out to the submissions inbox (Submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us) to discuss. For more information on the waiver process, please see the Waivers page on the CSI website.
HR Collection Timelines and Deadlines Task 09/25/2019 Submit initial files (Staff Profile, Staff Assignment for HR) 11/21/2019 Schools must have all Level 1 (Staff Profile/Staff Assignment) errors cleared 01/15/2020 Schools must have all Level 2 (HR and December Count-Staff) errors cleared Upon Error Clearance CSI will provide Data Summary Reports to schools 1/23/2020** Submit Signed Certification Agreements to CSI *Dependent upon all schools clearing errors by specified deadlines **Any requests for changes must be received by CSI on or before 1/21/2020
Thank you for Reviewing this Training Contact the Submissions Inbox with Questions: Submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us