Guide for Power Point Usage EDCI 658 History of Education Spring 2008
Guidelines of Discussion Guide Ten slides minimum - 13 page maximum Backgrounds must not distract from text Text/images must be in top 80% of slide No more than 6 lines on a page No more than 6 words per line No font used smaller than 32 pt
Guidelines of Discussion Guide Background - single or gradient of color Background images - not distract from text Text font must not distract from content Animation is not required - actually discouraged
Content of Guide Each guide must contain the following Title page and References (1 page each) Map of Area of Discussion (1 page) at least 1 page of historical events of time at least 1 page listing major points of the chapter and the significance of each
Content of Guide (cont.) Each guide must contain the following at least 1 page that shows connection(s) to another chapter read in course at least 1 page listing questions which will be the basis of class discussion
Discussion Guide May Include Additional graphics related to the chapter an image of a person in the chapter a graph or table showing relationship between chapter(s) an additional map additional graphics will not count toward 10 slide minimum/maximum
Photographs in Power Point
Photographs in Power Point Photographs and images should be sized to fit in a powerpoint slide before insertion Photographs
End of Discussion Guide