Lower Legal Age of Consumption of Alcohol Amendment XXVIII Lower Legal Age of Consumption of Alcohol
Summary of the Amendment Actual Wording Lower Legal Age of Consumption of Alcohol to 18 Years of Age Section 1: Citizens who are eligible and registered voters and over the age of 18 years are hereby of legal age to consent to consume alcoholic beverages if so desired. Summary of the Amendment This Amendment lowers the drinking age from 21 years to 18 years of age if the person is registered.
What Does It Do? All Citizens who are eligible and registered are able to decide on the conditions of the states 'drinking age limit of alcohol . All enlisted military personnel over the age of 18 are hereby of legal age to consent to drink if so desired. No citizen will be authorized to operate a motor vehicle while containing a blood alcohol level of more than 0.05
Why was the amendment’s impact on America when it was ratified?