English 3 Mr. Tovo
About me USF graduate New to Miami (Homestead) from Tampa Year 1 as a Doral Academy Firebird Experience teaching 9th, 10th, 12th grade English
Classroom Rules Respect everyone at all times Mind your own business, body, and behavior You are responsible for all of your actions Bring all materials daily
Procedures Students entering the classroom will place their phones in the cell phone station and begin Bell Work (on the board) Homework is due when called for Make-up work will only be given for an excused absence Late work will not be accepted
Online Postings Waiting for classes to be made Homework/updates posted on Mr. Tovo’s Homework and Announcements pages
Curriculum/Department All English students will pay a $5 department fee (online) Students who lose their studysync textbook will need to pay a $20 replacement fee
Class Texts The Crucible, The Great Gatsby, The Old Man and the Sea, A Raisin in the Sun
Class Grades Test/Essays – 40% Projects - 30% Quizzes - 20% HW/CW - 10%
Contact Information jtovo@doralacademyprep.org Student name and class period in email Subject line