Mongols World History - 2018
First Ten Based on the map below describe the territories the Mongols invaded. For example, if you had to tell a person where the Mongol Empire was WITHOUT the use of a map – visual, how would you describe it? Where did they NOT invade?
Growth of an empire:
THE MONGOLS! – Sum it up in SIX! Nomadic people of the Steppe. Seized an enormous amount of power in the 13th century. Gained the most control due to their effective leader, Genghis Khan. Under his leadership, the Mongols created the largest contiguous land empire in world history. Known for their skills on horseback. (stirrups/bow and arrow) Genghis Khan died in 1227 and his sons and grandsons divided the empire and ruled over regions. During the time of the reign of the Mongols, Asia experienced Pax Mongolica. Trade and travel were abundant. The most significant successor of Genghis Khan was Kublai Khan who ruled the Yuan Dynasty in China. Marco Polo stayed on his court.
Last Ten Develop one quiz question about the Mongols and one quiz question about the Byzantine Empire or Great Schism and write it on your index card. It can be a short answer, fill in the blank, multiple choice, or true/false. You pick!