Trimester 3 Easter break FMP research Final Major Project
In this last 4 weeks you should completed the following work Identify your strengths within creative media Identify the skills you have gained within creative media Explore possible ideas for your Final major project Originate range of ideas for FMP – at least three Produce SWOT analysis of your project ideas Justify your final idea Produce research plan Write FMP project proposal Prepare and deliver FMP project pitch Evaluate your work – update your learning progress tracker at the end of each week
Research What should I research for My FMP? Once you have delivered your FMP pitch you should concentrate on a research. Firstly you will conduct research on the subject of your FMP. Topic research You should start with researching existing or similar media products Select three similar media products ( this could be photography work, videos, magazines, podcasts, etc. ) Comment on: What media product did you select and why What do you like about it and how is going to influence your own work ( what can you take from it and use it in your own project as an idea)
Topic research Select at least two other non internet / online resources for your topic research. This will give you opportunity to branch out your research as well as will give you extra marks. You can look into books, magazines, collect artwork, visit galleries, etc. As before show what you have researched (take images of it) and reference it. Justify what you have selected for your research and tell us why How what you have researched is going to help you with your FMP and project development.
TOPIC RESEARCH PRIMARY This is anything done by you and it could be such: Online questionnaire – you could possibly ask your Facebook friends to comment on your project idea and give you some additional ideas how you can make it better or include in your final product. Get the feedback from your lecturers and comment on it. You can contact companies, council, artist depending on what is your project about to get their opinion on your project idea. You will go with your phone or tablet and research ( take pictures) of possible locations you have visited ( galleries, shops, bookstores, libraries etc)
Examples of previous students work: Subject research primary and secondary: fmp/ entries/
Target audience research Target audience research plan Think of the ways (primary and secondary) you can research and find out about your target audience. Ask yourself questions: Who? What?, Where? Who is your target audience? Who are you aiming your product at? What type of audience is it? Investigate the target demographic and record the type of media or entertainment they consume. Where you can find this out? You can use ‘Yougov profiles’ site to find out about your target audience demographic. (secondary) You can set up interviews or record a ‘Vox pops’ (primary) to find information about your audience. Previous students work examples: (Scroll roughly half way to find screenshots of primary research evidence)
Skills and techniques research In order to produce an effective FMP you will need to know what skills and techniques you will need to research in order to produce an effective, original and to near professional standard project. For example you can watch tutorials or read about how to achieve specific skills and techniques that you will need for your project (secondary) Experiment with range of skills yourself ( primary) Examples of previous students work: : research-fmp/
Production research Pre production and Production research : Explain what and how: People needed for the production / availability (how: emails, Facebook, skype conversation etc) Research production roles that you will need to carry out and how to do it successfully (how: internet, media books, etc.) Production schedule (how: create you own) Budget (How: secondary internet, primary ask yourself) Recce research / location needed ( how: take images, contact individuals for permission etc.) Health and safety research ( How: take images, check locations yourself, ask for permission) Visual ideas (storyboard optional) (How: take images, create sketches, get inspired by other people ideas etc.) Props (how: make a list, ask to borrow, make it, buy it, use what you have) Production (techniques, hardware, workflow) ( how: research what you need / how, try it yourself) Post -production (Edit, color correction, VFX etc. ( how: read, watch how other people / professionals do it, try it yourself)
Examples of previous students work: paperwork/