Legislative Assembly Preview Part 3 | August 30, 2019 WSSDA’s Legislative Assembly is an extraordinary event. It is exciting to engage with fellow school directors to find common ground as we passionately advocate for each and every student. Legislative Assembly Preview Part 3 | August 30, 2019 By Marissa Rathbone & Logan Endres, Government Relations
Government Relations Team WSSDA’s Government Relations Team Marissa Rathbone, Director of Government Relations Logan Endres, Government Relations Coordinator Brian Sims, Contract Lobbyist Marissa & Logan introduce themselves.
2019 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Preview Series Part 1: Big Picture Part 2: Agenda and Handbook Part 3: Roles and Voting Part 4: Prioritization Process Part 5: Caucus Meetings & District Engagement Part 6: Logistics MARISSA This is part three of the six part series… discussing the roles and the voting process.
Part 3: Outcomes Understand your role at Assembly Understand the voting process and procedures for addressing the Assembly Understand why Legislative Assembly is important LOGAN
Roles (for reference WSSDA operating policy 1290 & 1290P) WSSDA Legislative Committee & staff Legislative Committee Chair: presides over assembly Committee Members: introduce proposals, vote counts, timing WSSDA Staff: resources, position background, current context Parliamentarian: guidance/support to chair, parliamentary procedure guidance School board delegates Check-in morning of assembly, picks up credential packet (one per district) One delegate badge (pink) per district Only a single school director from a board can wear the voting delegate badge to engage in assembly proceedings (debate) and voting MARISSA
Voting Process (for reference WSSDA operating policy 1290 & 1290P) Proposal introduced & seconded In order as presented in the Handbook Chair asks for amendments and/or discussion This is when delegates have an opportunity to propose changes/amendments to position proposal statements Debate [See Handbook for Further Details] Either on original proposal or proposed amendment/s Clarifying questions (yellow cards) Pro-Con-Pro (green and red cards) All comments are timed (total time on any one issue/amendment = 10 minutes) Vote [See Handbook for Further Details] Regular – show of red/green cards Standing – Proponents stand with green cards and are counted; then opponents stand with red cards to be counted Weighted – on request of at least FIVE boards; weighted vote ballots found in delegate credential packets LOGAN
Process for addressing the assembly (applies to all debate on position proposals & amendments) District delegates (holding pink ribbons) only may approach microphones Must be clear on intention Green/yellow/red cards for debate Green = favor or support Yellow = clarifying question Red = oppose Amendment motion Debate sequence and time parameters [10 min total] Pro Con MARISSA
Next Steps for you & your board Review position proposals – especially new positions and significant amendments Consider your board / district’s position (questions? favor as-is?, oppose?, suggest changes/amendments?) Amendment form Identify your board’s top 15-20 position priorities – have back-up positions identified in case there are changes/eliminations Make sure you’re registered! Attend assembly ready to engage! LOGAN
Prioritization Process 2019 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Preview Series Part 1: Big Picture Part 2: Agenda and Handbook Part 3: Roles and Voting Part 4: Prioritization Process Part 5: Caucus Meetings & District Engagement Part 6: Logistics MARISSA Join us next week for part 4 of the legislative assembly preview series… we’ll be discussing the prioritization process.
Government Relations Contact Information Marissa Rathbone, Director of Government Relations Phone: 360-890-5867 Email: M.Rathbone@wssda.org Logan Endres, Government Relations Coordinator Phone: 360-742-4435 Email: L.Endres@wssda.org Register by September 20 at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-legislative-assembly-registration-62609102511 MARISSA