DCLL Nuclear Analysis WBS Costing Mohamed Sawan University of Wisconsin-Madison Mahmoud Youssef University of California-Los Angeles ITER TBM Meeting UCLA December 12-14, 2005
Description of Nuclear Analysis WBS Preliminary Design (Wong) Nuclear Analysis (Sawan/Youssef) Performing nuclear analysis for the preliminary design to ensure satisfying design requirements under different ITER operational phases and scenarios Determine tritium breeding, nuclear heating, shielding design and assessment, radiation damage, radioactive inventory, and decay heat 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D calculations will be performed in an effective manner, and in coordination with the preliminary design evolution Assessment of radiation impacts to relevant diagnostics instruments for different test modules and possible perturbation to TBM nuclear parameters Results will be provided to the design team regarding system performance and design optimization This task will be closely coordinated with all the design elements under WBS
Description of Nuclear Analysis WBS (Continued) Detailed Design (Wong) Nuclear Analysis (Sawan/Youssef) Performing nuclear analysis of the detailed design Detailed 3-D calculations with the TBM placed in the ITER device and with the ITER operating conditions Detailed mapping of tritium breeding, nuclear heating, neutron flux, radiation damage, radioactive inventory, and decay heat Detailed assessment of the shield and shielding effects will be provided Assessment of radiation impacts to relevant diagnostics instruments for different test modules and possible perturbation to TBM nuclear parameters This WBS will be closely coordinated with all the elements under WBS Title III (Wong) Nuclear Analysis (Sawan/Youssef) Providing nuclear analysis technical support for the detailed design in response to any design changes required for the procurement, fabrication, inspection and testing Neutronics support will be provided to the necessary safety and licensing inquiries from the ITER organization
Future 3-D Neutronics Modeling and Calculation A simplified CAD model of ITER device was provided that includes a dummy port plug in the equatorial port We are developing an interface between CAD and 3-D neutronics code MCNP to perform the neutronics calculations directly in the CAD model We modified MCNP v.5 by writing subroutine to sample from the detailed neutron source profile tables provided by ITER IT Once a detailed CAD model for the DCLL TBM (with new design changes such as flat FW, smaller area) is available, it will be inserted in the full ITER model in place of the dummy port plug and detailed 3-D neutronics will be performed A clean CAD model is required without overlap between volumes and no gaps between mating surfaces
Schedule of Activities under DCLL Nuclear Analysis WBS
Total Cost Estimate for Nuclear Analysis WBS
Estimated Hours by Design Phase and Year
Cost Breakdown by Design Phase and Year