Welcome to Willow Class Monday – Thursday: Miss Coggins, Mrs Scott and Mrs WHYATT Friday: Mrs Wells and Mrs Whyatt
Behaviour expectations The 5Rs are the core values that run through all aspects of school life at Heckington St Andrew’s. They are: Relationships Resilience Responsibility Respect Reverence We believe that developing positive relationships based on mutual respect is key to maintaining good behaviour in school. On the rare occasion that challenging behaviour occurs, it is dealt with calmly and privately.
Expectations Our behaviour and relationships policy echoes our core values (respect, resilience, relationships, reverence and responsibility). 1 - Redirection 2 - Reminder 3 - Caution 4 – Last chance 5 – Time out 6 - Repair
rewards Recognition boards Certificates Stickers Verbal praise Notes home SLT praise Class Rewards Show work to another adult Hot chocolate Friday with the head teacher.
Uniform PE – house coloured t-shirt Tops tucked in when not wearing jumper Plain hair accessories with no bright colours No wrist bands/jewellery No nail polish See uniform policy
Belongings Named water bottle, book bag, coat, PE kit, hat, scarf, shoes etc. Change reading book – daily opportunity
Curriculum coverage The topics we will cover over the year are: Wriggle and Crawl Land Ahoy Towers, Tunnels and Turrets The Greatness of Britain The Scented Garden Beachcombers Please see the curriculum letter coming out on Thursday this week (communications day)
Curriculum coverage Maths – Maths No Problem Phonics – Read, Write Inc Spelling- No Nonsense Spelling There will be phonics information mornings on Monday the 30th October and Thursday the 2nd November. Look out for more details on newsletters nearer the time. All the key information from the session will be added to the website. Children are ‘set’ in groups so the learning is pitched to their stage of phonics acquisition.
Assessment 3 check points in the year (NFER test paper and previous SATs papers) On-going assessment in class through use of Learning Journeys SATs in the Summer Term
Homework The children in Year Two have a reading record and a homework book. We encourage that you read daily with your child, even if for just 5 minutes. Please sign the reading record each time they read at home and they will get a raffle ticket to go in a prize draw which is drawn on a Friday. Each time they read at home they will put a tick on the reading chart. Once the chart is full they will win a prize. We will alternate between maths and English based homework. Homework goes out on a Thursday and needs to be returned on the following Tuesday. Times Table Rock Stars/ mental maths
Parent Hub/ Parents Evening System https://www.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/ Sign up for clubs Parent Evenings booking Ticket booking
WILLOUGHBY FOODS Remember to use their website for hot lunches Tuesday is the deadline to order for the following week
Snacks/ Water Healthy snacks please Morning fruit is provided Named water bottle
PE Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) No jewellery Named kit
Routines for start and end of school 1st bell - Children to come and line up and say goodbye 2nd bell – The class goes into school Arrange appointment to meet with class teacher – Thursday evening Clubs – most end at 4.30 with some ending at 4.15. Collect children from the gate at the side of school.
How you can help with reading at home The most important thing that you can do at home is to help your child develop a love of books by reading regularly together. Children learn so much from sharing stories with you; they pick up good grammar, add to their vocabulary, start to develop comprehension skills and learn how to read with expression. In the initial stages of when a child is learning to read, they are focussing on accurately reading at word level and therefore they get more joy and develop more complex reading skills from listening to you read to them. When children are reading their school reading books: Model reading in pure sounds (make sure there’s no ‘uh’ on the end of a sound) for easier blending. E.g. cat = c-a-t not cuh- ah- tuh Ask them to look for the ‘special friends’ (digraphs and trigraphs) in a word first when they are stuck. E.g. shop sh-o-p team t-ea-m
Any questions?