Studies in Philippians(21) I Press Philippians 3:12-16
Not there yet (12a) Paul had not yet attained – To receive or possess something Paul had not already attained (see vs. 9-11) This verse teaches persistent faithfulness. We CAN lose our salvation – 1 Corinthians 9:27, Hebrews 4:1 There is also humility associated with this
Not there yet (12a) Paul was not yet perfected – Flawless in his service. Word means to reach its end, be complete An athletic analogy – Acts 20:24 As long as we are on this earth, we are not yet perfect. We have more to do.
I Press On (12b-14) Press on – keep going. Striving or chasing after something. Singleness of purpose That I may lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold of me – Paul’s spiritual goal Christ laid hold of me – His salvation BUT he was not there yet – 1 Corinthians 9:24 – obtain He was saved, but he needed to maintain that salvation
I Press On (12b-14) I do not count myself to have apprehended – in the same way Christ had laid hold of him, he had not yet laid hold of his goal. “I’m not there yet.” But one thing I do – a singular focus What is our “one thing”? Matthew 6:33, 6:24 This doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything else, but this was always his focus and influence.
I Press On (12b-14) Forgetting those things which are behind – he let go of the past A challenge! But a must. It is impossible to forget the past. Paul didn’t 1 Timothy 1:12-15, Acts 22:3-5, Philippians 3:5-6, etc. But we must NOT let it dominate us
I Press On (12b-14) Forgetting those things which are behind – he let go of the past Do not let it dominate you IF you have repented, you are forgiven! MOVE ON! Luke 9:62 There may still be consequences Include in this your past accomplishments (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:22-28)
Always part of the answer in dealing with our past! I Press On (12b-14) Reaching forward to the things which are ahead The other side of the process – it is not enough to forget the past. Move on! Describes one who stretches across the finish line – using every muscle he has Don’t let up until the race is over (1 Corinthians 9:24 – run to win) Always part of the answer in dealing with our past!
I Press On (12b-14) I press toward the goal for the prize The race isn’t over until you cross the finish line – 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Hebrews 12:1-2 The prize – the reward, trophy, wreath - eternal life. The upward call of God in Christ Jesus – this is a superior race!
To the mature (15-16) Let us, as many as are mature… Paul is challenging those who are no longer babes in Christ to keep this “mindset” – don’t dwell on the past, and reach forward with heaven in mind. Mature is the same word as “perfect” above (vs.12), but with the meaning of fully mature. Maturity realizes you are not done!
To the mature (15-16) And if in anything otherwise, God will reveal even this to you Their knowledge was not yet perfected. For them, it could be a spiritual gift or its benefits For us – KEEP LEARNING! 2 Timothy 2:15
To the mature (15-16) Nevertheless, to the degree we have already attained, You are where you are! Start right there and move forward! Let us walk by the same rule – we follow the same standard of authority 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Colossians 2:6-7 – walk in Him
To the mature (15-16) Let us be of the same mind (NKJV & KJV) Paul’s appeal to unity – a theme of this letter. Philippians 1:27, 2:1-2, 4:2, cf. 3 John 4
Are we pressing forward? I Press… Phil. 3:12-16