Jobs to be Done Template


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Presentation transcript:

Jobs to be Done Template Jobs to be Done is best described as a perspective through which new product ideas can be evaluated for usefulness and viability. Understanding your customers’ Jobs to be Done helps determine what specific needs, pain points, or problems to focus on during the innovation process. The theory of Jobs to be Done was developed by Tony Ulwick and later by Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School as a complement to his theory of disruptive innovation. Jobs to be Done is a lens through which companies can view their innovation initiatives. People buy products and services to get a “job” done, and the products that are successful are those which help the customer get a job done faster, more easily and less expensively. When a company understands in detail what a functional job is, it is more likely to be able to create solutions to help the customer get a job done more effectively. When the customer can get a job done more easily with a given product, the product will likely be more successful. Use the templates to identify your customers’ most important jobs to be done and then rank order them to determine the most important jobs to address as part of your innovation efforts. Want more tools and templates? Visit

Jobs to be Done Template – Identify Jobs to be Done Verb What is the customer trying to do?   Object of the Verb What is the customer trying to do it to? Contextual Modifier How is the customer trying to do it? Example of Object of the Verb Provide an example of who the customer is and where the pain point lies. Example: Find a new shirt to buy by looking at what their favorite actors are wearing Want more tools and templates? Visit

Jobs to be Done Template What are customers' top "jobs to be done"? Importance Difficulty Jobs to be Done What is the relative importance compared to other jobs? (1 = Low; 10 = High) What is the relative difficulty compared to other jobs? (1 = Low; 10 = High)   Want more tools and templates? Visit

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