MOODY ISD Substitute Training
All substitutes should report to the campus office by 7:30 a.m. School Hours Elementary 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Middle School 7:55 a.m. - 3:35 p.m. High School 7:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. All substitutes should report to the campus office by 7:30 a.m.
Duties MS/HS > Office will provide you with information about the duties for the day and a schedule ES > Office will provide you a room number and information will be in the teacher’s classroom Be in place at the assigned time. Cover all duties assigned. You will receive a duty free lunch even if you are required to do lunch duty
End of School Day Do not leave campus until all duties are covered Elementary – when all students have departed by bus and car Middle/High School – when all the buses have departed
Follow Plans Elementary If you do not find plans, If you do not find materials, If you do not understand…… ASK! Middle and High School Office will have schedules If you do not have plans or do not understand plans….. ASK!
Classroom Management Maintain classroom control Be attentive to students at all times – if a student requests additional help, please check with office to verify whether it is a required accommodation under a 504 or IEP plan for that particular student Handle regular discipline Leave notes for teacher if necessary Do NOT send notes home to parents! (leave up to teacher or principal)
Major Discipline Send a child to the office or call office for major discipline issues. Examples: fighting insubordination blatant disrespect
Middle and High School Do not let students out of class without permission from the office
Computers You should not log onto the teacher’s computer You should not allow students to log onto the teacher’s computer Please monitor what students do on computer – if you think it is inappropriate, please call the office immediately Please leave your personal devices at home (iPads, laptops, etc.) Do NOT use dry erase markers on the interactive SMART boards!!
Confidentiality Do not discuss students outside of the school setting. Topics Including: Behavior Academic performance Special Education status Personal information Remain professional at all times
Confidentiality…..continued Do not discuss your personal business with students even if they are friends with your children or family. Please remain professional at all times.
If you become aware of the need to discuss a student’s personal problems, please contact: Mrs Sarah Troyer (High School) Mrs. Adri Bowen (Middle School) Mrs. Angela Rodgers (Elementary School)
DRESS CODE Clean and neat appearance Appropriate clothing Jeans on Fridays or game days only! Please no flip-flops! See teacher dress code online at
Legal Considerations All campuses & school property are tobacco free Please refrain from using cell phone for personal use in the classroom around students. You will have a duty free lunch to do that. Please keep cell phones silenced and out of sight
School Safety An Emergency Response Manual is located in every campus classroom and office You will receive safety protocol instructions from the campus office
Sign In and Out In order to be paid, you must clock in and out daily Notify the office if you leave campus Pick up substitute badge at the time you sign in
Campus Contacts Elementary Middle School Cheryl Lafitte 254-853-2155 x2130 school Aundrea Wright 254-853-2181 x2110 school Campus Contacts
Campus Contacts High School Stacey Hubbard 254-853-3622 x3000 school If you are scheduled to work and are unable to come, please notify the campus contact as soon as you know that you will not be available. Campus Contacts
REMEMBER……… If you have any questions, at any time, please do not hesitate to ask the office for help! Moody ISD appreciates your willingness to serve as a substitute teacher in the district. THANK YOU!!!