European Works Councils in the Field of Practice EBR European Works Councils in the Field of Practice
EWC Figures Art.13 Art.6 800 450 40 1994 1996 2008
Areas of Interaction EWC Management EWC Trade Unions EWC resources time, money, ICT, offices etc. Share information Support each other Opportunities for cooperation Information, consultation, negotiation Coordinate activities and strategies EWC National Level EWC Nomination processes Individual responsibilities Public Relations and trust-building Teambuilding Creates a platform for work and communication Creates a platform for work and communication Coordination and Cooperation
Areas of Interaction + - + - + - + - EWC Management EWC Trade Unions + - + - EBR National Level + EWC - + -
EWC Experience – Analyses of the Pros and Cons Consider the four areas of interaction: Based on your past experience with European Works Councils, where do you see their advantages and strengths and 2 what did not go so well, which problems or deficits have you identified?