HCS Vehicle Liquidation Adjustment (May 2019) Director of Operations Dr. Jeffrey S. Wilson Director of Operations May 14, 2019
Adjustments There were 45 vehicles on the 6 May memorandum. 2 of the 45 were pulled at the Superintendent’s direction and noted at the 6 May BOE Work Session (HCS 202 and HCS 303), bringing the total to 43. At the 6 May BOE Work Session, Dr. Wilson noted that the list would be reviewed again one more time before presenting a final version for a vote. In that review, the Operations team reconsidered 8 more vehicles, and pulled from the list due to the requirements of the June 2019 missions. These missions include, but are not limited to: Lenovo collection, maintenance, and reimaging. Moving out of HCT. Moving in to Cavalry Hill. Supporting summer programs. The 8 vehicles pulled from the May list for June requirements will be resubmitted to the BOE for auction at the June BOE Work Session.
Adjustments 10 vehicles that were on the 6 May memorandum that have been deleted from the 9 May memorandum. 2 of these (202 and 808) were noted as deletions on 6 May. the 8 vehicles not highlighted in yellow will be submitted to the BOE in June for disposal. 1. HCS 215, Van, Maint (parts and equipment) 2. HCS 813, Truck, Security (patrol) 3. HCS 908, Truck, Maint (cargo) 4. HCS 103, Van, Security (parts and equipment) 5. HCS 202, Van, Maint (phones, per superintendent) 6. HCS 303, Truck, Maint (dump truck, per superintendent) 7. HCS 201, Truck, Maint (cargo) 8. HCS 600, Truck, Security (cargo, patrol) 9. HCS 601, Truck, I.T. Dept (computer transport) 10. HCS 921, Sedan, Operations (general use)