WITCH: Status & Outlook A. Lindroth, M. Beck, B. Delaure, V. Golovko, V. Kozlov, I. Kraev, T. Phalet, N. Severijns, S. Versyck USE the Löpsedelsmetoden, utgå från en egen fråga per minut föredrag: Exactly what will he talk about? Which are the possible choices? Which choices have they made? Why? What will their capacity be with these choices? How are they limited?
Contents Brief reminder/introduction to WITCH Recent developments The next 12 months Ideas for long-term improvements Tell them rapidly what the contents is of each of these points
Brief reminder/introduction to WITCH: Motivation Other physics possible: EC/b+ F/GT e- shake-off And more ...
Brief reminder/introduction to WITCH: The Set-up
Recent developments: Trap structure!
Recent developments: Vertical Beamline
Recent developments: MCP & Ion Source Tests
Recent developments: Crane
Recent developments: other Control System:basic version almost ready – see other presentation Cabling Web readout: not quite done yet Organization in racks spectrometer electrodes & top chamber designed electronic magnet-system readout/control
The next 12 months Top chamber & electrode structure Trapping tests: ion source and stable rextrap bunches Some sort of recoil spectrum Optimization Simulations/preparations for long-term improvements Tendering of electrode structure is going on via cern now Fill gaps/expand Ctrl Sys (due to rapid development)
Ideas for future improvements: Cryogenic Traps Biggest contribution to response function width: thermal motion in traps! We’ll be looking carefully at SHIPTRAP!
Ideas for future improvements: A Tape Station used in a new way Since recoil nuclei are counted directly in an MCP, that detector will be contaminated only decays leading to stable daughters can be studied. Solution: tape station for secondary e-creation WE SOMETIMES SAY IN THE WITCH GROUP THAT WE ARE TAKING THE STEP TO A GENERAL RECOIL SPECTROMETER. In the present version that is not true. We also think of doing some developments to allow TOF measurements of spectra x kV ion e- mcp Tape station
Summary Several developments have been finished recently, and few remain as we approach a period of systematic tests WITCH will be doing systematic trapping tests, and possibly get some sort of recoil spectrum this radioactive-beam period 2004 will show the principle with decent precision, the set-up and method will be refined and potentially present limits on ”a” will be reached After 2004, or so, larger upgrades of WITCH might be started