How to Work a Camera Before you start this session see if the manual used in this presentation is similar to the manual of the camera you are using in the training. If the manual is very different, find the manual of the camera online. You can find this by typing in the type of the camera and the word ‘manual’ in Google. You can paste the parts of the manual in this presentation. Check that all the cameras have the quality of the pictures set in the highest (maximum amount of pixels) mode.
Before you start working your camera The camera is not yours to keep. You are responsible for the same camera for the duration of the workshop. You return it at the end of the training and don’t lend it to others. If you use the camera, you must have the safety-cord around your wrist. You should always ask permission before photographing people or their property (consent). August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Before you start taking pictures Explain to people “I am part of a photovoice project - we use photography to show what we feel about XXX”. If people don’t want their picture taken, respect that. If someone wants to borrow your camera: tell them this is not possible. If everyone wants to be in the picture: explain this is not possible. You can’t get out of the menu? Switch your camera off & on. If your colleague tells you to make a picture or not to make a picture: you are the boss of your camera. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card Take the participants step by step through the presentation whilst the participants practice the different options on their camera at the same time. Tell the participants how to charge their camera. Tell them they need to charge it every night when they go to bed. This way, the camera will always be fully charged the next day. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
1. Turn the camera on at the on/off switch Tell the participants that turning the camera ‘on’ and ‘off’ many times or play the pictures in playback mode is decreasing the battery very fast. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
2. Use the zoom buttons to frame the picture Tell the participants that patience is incredibly important while photographing. The camera or the focus point moves easily. Keep your patience by standing still, breathe out and focus - will result in the best pictures. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
3. Focus and Shoot August 2019 How to Work a Camera
4. Focus Lock August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Press the arrow button to show the most recent picture. 5. Viewing pictures Press the arrow button to show the most recent picture. Press left and right to view other pictures. Tell the participants when they play their pictures in playback mode many times, that this is decreasing the battery of the camera very fast. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
6. Viewing pictures August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Press Menu/OK to display shooting menu. 7. Shooting Mode Press Menu/OK to display shooting menu. Choose shooting mode from the options. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
In order to take pictures you need light Too much light means your picture will be (too) bright: overexposed. Too little light will mean your picture will be (too) dark: underexposed. Flash &Light: Make sure the sun is behind you when taking pictures If you take pictures of people when you as the photographer are facing the sun, they will end up looking like a silhouette Try to keep the flash off as a standard, flash light can make a situation very unnatural If in doubt, take a picture with flash and one without August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Overexposure August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Underexposure August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Your camera will take two pictures: One with flash and one without. If you don’t have enough light for a picture put your camera on the NATURAL MODE Your camera will take two pictures: One with flash and one without. Not every camera has this mode, so check this on forehand. Otherwise explain to participants how they can switch ‘on’ and ‘off’ their flash or how to put in in automatic mode. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
Without flash With flash Depending on what you want to achieve or taste you can discuss which picture is more beautiful, but the reason of these two pictures is to compare one with flash and one without flash. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
If you want movement in your picture you can do two things Move your camera along with the moving object: this means your object will remain in focus, the background will be blurred. August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
If you want movement in your picture you can do two things Or focus on the background: this will be sharp, your object will be out of focus August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
You can play with the focus in your images to give the subject or object extra attention August 2019 How to Work a Camera
That what is in focus in your picture, will catch most attention What is focus? In photography, it’s practically married to sharpness. An image that is completely sharp is said to be in-focus. An image that’s completely blurry is said to be unfocused. The same metaphor applies to your mind. When you concentrate, your mind is sharp. You are focused. When you’re confused, you lack focus. As you are about to learn, you can use focus to direct your viewer’s attention to the most important parts of a scene. In the first picture the focus is on the lady in the front - The second picture the focus is on the bride and the groome. Remember That what is in focus in your picture, will catch most attention Therefore, make sure your main subject is in focus Most cameras will focus with a half-press, then take the image with a full press. Only complete the press when you’ve chosen the frame you want and when it has focused August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
August 2019 How to Work a Camera
The cameras we use here adjust the focus automatically. But we can still play around with the focus a little bit. And no worries! I’ll show you how to do this! August 2019 How to Work a Camera
And now … practice! August 2019 How to Work a Camera