Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism
Outside influence on the local society. Effects the ways individuals interact with other members of their society. Cross-cultural contacts influence behavior. Can be positive or negative.
Changes local lifestyle More job opportunities for the local families. Young family members may be able to contribute to increased family income. Allows families to increase their purchasing power. Better housing, dress and eating habits. Traditional relationships may change. Younger members of society take jobs in tourist business. The draw toward jobs in tourism leads to local trades and industry suffering.
Changes local lifestyle Demonstration effect: Happens when local members of a society adopt practices from tourists. Can be a negative effect if the local residents realize the cannot afford the same lifestyle. Resentment may result.
Effects an individual’s view of the area visited. Tourism creates an increased understanding of other nations and cultures. Stereotypic view can change with one visits. Studies of students visiting Russia and Korea show positive changes in attitudes between pre-visits and post-visits perceptions. Where have you visited that changed your perception of the area?
Historical sites Tourism can help preserve historical sites. Revenue generated can fund the preservation efforts. Cultural centers. Traditional Arts and crafts.
Negative Effects. Commercialization Undermine social standards Hotels/Restaraunts etc.. Pennsylvania Amish. Undermine social standards Reproduction of traditional arts and crafts “cheapen” the standards. Local religious and social customs: Dances once performed for religious purposes now staged for tourists.
Social Ills Crime Research studies show a correlation between tourism and increase in crime. Organized crime. Tourist not familiar with the area are easy targets. Rental car license plates. Negative publicity.
Social Ills Displacement Increased demand for property to support tourist facilities drive the cost of property up. Small business may fail if they cannot keep up with increase costs. Hard on the low income families and fixed income. Local find they no longer wish to live in the area once it becomes a travel destination.
Discrimination Hiring practices. Locals only Management candidates imported May cause resentment. Sudden demand for workers can increase importing of employees. If cultural and lifestyle differences exist can cause resentment.