Hyperpolarized Helium 3 MRI in Mild-to-Moderate Asthma: Prediction of Postbronchodilator Reversibility a b Helium 3 (3He) MRI ventilation defects at year 1 predicted bronchodilator reversibility 6 years later (R2 = 0.80; P < .01). In eight of 11 study participants, MRI ventilation defects remained in the same location at the 6-year follow-up MRI. In three of 11 participants, MRI ventilation defects showed clinically significant worsening at the 6-year follow-up MRI in the same lung regions that had worsened in response to methacholine at year 1. ³He MRI ventilation in a 28-year-old with mild-to-moderate asthma and stable ventilation at (a) baseline and (b) follow-up shows persistent ventilation defects. Eddy RL et al. Published Online: August 6, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2019190420