Welcome to Year 6.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 Staff Mrs Keene (6K) Head of Year 6 Mrs Harrington (6H) Mrs Warren-Axe (6H) Mrs Sharrock (6S) Mrs McGeehan (6M) Miss Palmer (6M) Mrs Watkins (TA) Mrs Seymour (ISA) Mrs Pugh (ISA) Mrs Bagnall (ISA) Mrs Aiello (ISA) Mrs Manju (ISA/TA) Mrs Alnaeb (ISA)

Year 6 Topics Literacy Numeracy ICT Science MFL and lots more…

Writing Warning Story/Tale of Fear – suspense and settings Instructions - persuasion Rags to Riches - character Adventure story – dialogue Wishing story - action Sats revision Romeo and Juliet – discussion and persuasion.

Talk for Reading 1. Imitation – getting to know the text(s) By the end of this phase, children can access and read the text(s) with a basic understanding. 2. Investigation – deepen understanding By the end of this phase, children can read text(s) with fluency and expression, understanding at a deeper level. 3. Independent Application By the end of this phase, children can independently apply comprehension strategies in other contexts. Underpinned with DAILY phonics/spelling, reading for pleasure and reading across the curriculum activities. © Pie Corbett 2018- www.talk4writing.com

Talk for Reading floats on a sea of reading for pleasure All teachers as readers Daily reading across curriculum Quality resources - Fiction, non fiction & poetry Knowing all children as readers Daily protected time and space to read Daily Read-aloud programme Recommendation systems Engaging Families & communities

Spelling Children will learn a new spelling rule each week Half termly spelling rule overview sent to parents Spelling investigations not tests Application of spelling rules to dictated sentences Focus on year group spelling lists (common exception words) – these will be sent home Spelling Frame - online

Admin Bits & Bobs Homework Forms to be returned P.E. Kit and School Uniform School Clubs Mobile Phones

E-Safety 3R’s - Risk, responsibility, reputation

Class Dojo Share successes and achievements as well as communicate any individual, class or year group messages. Respond within 24 hours. Urgent messages/pupil absence - phoned in to the school Longer issues – arrange a meeting

PTA needs your help! The PTA would love your help at events. Mrs Bossard is rep for Year 6. 6K Mrs Watkins, 6H, Mrs Bowen, 6S Mrs Bossard, 6M, Mrs Barker Playground equipment all funded by PTA.

Parent Helpers

Dates for diary 16th/17th October – Parents’ Evening TBC– Christmas Carol Concert 6th January – Inset 14th/15th February – Pupil Parent Day 20th April - Inset w/c 11th May – SATs week w/c 18th May & 1st June – IOW weeks Week 1 – 6S & 6H Week 2 6K & 6M 14th/15th/16th July – Year 6 Show