In 9 Weeks’ Time Year 12 will be over! Many SACs will be completed over these 9 weeks In the second week of the holidays, Year 12 students will have practice exams, from Monday 30th September to Thursday 3rd October Last Day of Year 12 classes is Thursday 17th October Valedictory Dinner on Monday 21st October During SWOTVAC, many students revise at school so that they can access their teachers
End of Year Examination: Students will receive their assessment timetable on 9th September Performance and Language Oral Examinations VET exams if applicable Wednesday 23rd October: Languages written examination for CCAFL Wed 30th October to Wed 20th November: VCE Written Examination
VCE Written Examination Period Students will receive the VCE Exams Navigator this Friday at their lunch time assembly The Navigator informs students about: VCAA rules The conduct of written examinations Mobile phones and electronic devices Approved material and equipment If students arrive late for a VCE examination In case of serious illness/Derived Score Medication/asthma inhalers
All the best for the last leg of the journey! Students should use their revision time wisely Better to get more sleep than staying up late during the exam period Don’t hesitate to contact us for any clarification All the best for the last leg of the journey!