Giving and Getting Matthew 19:16-20:28
Seek Eternal Life – Matt. 19:16-26 Asked the right person Asked the right question Lived the right way Knew he still lacked something Jesus’ answer: Give and follow Me Jesus’ promise: You will have treasure in Heaven Had the wrong reaction – sad ending
What Do We Get? – Matt. 19:27-20:16 We left all and followed You, so what are we going to get? 12 apostles on 12 thrones in the regeneration when Jesus rules Heb. 1:3 Necessary condition: following Jesus 100x what we give up in this life Eternal life in the future Many that are first shall be last, and the last shall be first
What Do We Get? – Matt. 19:27-20:16 Many that are first shall be last, and the last shall be first 19:30 Parable of the Vineyard Workers 20:1-15 So the last will be first, and the first last. Many are called but few are chosen 20:16 Parable’s lesson is not degrees of reward Other parables to consider on the subject: Matt. 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27
What Jesus Gives – Matt. 20:17-19 To Jerusalem Betrayed to chief priests and scribes Condemned to death by them Delivered to Romans They mock They scourge They crucify Resurrection on the third day
James & John’s Request – Matt. 20:20-28 Put their mother up to it Jesus asked for specifics before agreeing to do anything Answered by asking James & John Requirement: following Jesus v.22 Not mine to give was the answer Anger of the other ten reveals carnality Greatness in kingdom is based on service King served most and gave most
A Plea for Mercy – Matt. 20:29-34 Called upon Jesus as Lord and Son of David (faith) Begged for mercy Overcame the resistance of the multitude Requested eyes to be opened Jesus touched them and they saw Jesus They followed Jesus For what should we ask Jesus tonight? Do what He tells you