eContentplus 2007 Work Programme


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Presentation transcript:

eContentplus 2007 Work Programme Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics March 15, 2007 Krister Olson

Reminder: aim and characteristics of the eContentplus programme Overall aim “to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable, facilitating the creation and diffusion of information, in areas of public interest, at Community level”. Enabling role Help content stakeholders (providers and users) realise the full potential of digital content … by creating better conditions for accessing, using and exploiting digital material ... based on which it will be possible to build added-value products and services across Europe eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

eContentplus 2005-2008 – Budget 149 Million euro Call 2005 Call 2006 Call 2007 Call 2008 27 M€ 28 M€ 47 M€ 47 M€ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

What is funded Projects that: aim at improving the usability and quality of existing digital content in specific contexts of use in order to create the conditions for the emergence of quality trans-European content based services. use proven state-of-the-art technical solutions, are geared towards innovation in organisation and in deployment (as opposed to purely technological innovation). eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Geographic Information Educational Content Digital Libraries Target Areas Geographic Information Educational Content Digital Libraries Reinforcing cooperation between digital content stakeholders eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

eContentplus call 2006 results

Number of submitted proposals eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Geographic Information Focus On harmonisation of core spatial information (typical example: maps). Results Only 3 targeted projects recommended for funding. No response from National Mapping Agencies. One thematic network for GI harmonisation capable of mobilising stakeholders . eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Proposals selected for negotiation No. prop. Geographic information 3.1 Targeted Projects 2 3 3.2 A Thematic Network 1 1 Educational content 4.1 Targeted Projects 6 4.2 A Thematic Network 1 Digital Libraries 5.1 Targeted Projects 4 5.2 A Thematic Network 1 Reinforcing cooperation between stakeholders 6.1 A Thematic Network 1 TOTAL 16 27,700 eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Geographic Information Conclusions Public sector organisations dealing with core GI did not participate Continue to support implementation of PSI directive (facilitating the re-use of public sector information) Open scope to themes covered by INSPIRE directive (harmonising geographic information at European level) eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

eContentplus 2007 Work Programme Based on the draft eContentplus Work Programme for 2007

Project types Targeted projects: solve specific known problems for education and digital libraries (funding 50% of direct + indirect costs for all partners) Thematic networks: consensus building and awareness raising for reinforcing cooperation on language resources (funding 100% direct costs for coordinator) Best Practice Networks: a new type of networking projects pursuing more strategic objectives in geographic information, education and digital libraries (funding 80% of direct costs for all partners) eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

New project type: Best practice network What is it? Project combining the consensus building and awareness raising function of a thematic network with the implementation of the solutions discussed in real-life context. Aim Promote the adoption of standards and specifications (S&S) for making digital content in Europe more accessible and usable. eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

New project type: Best practice network How Each BPN identifies possible solutions for an issue related to the objective of the corresponding target area The BPN tries out one or more of the solutions discussed to draw conclusions on their validity. If necessary BPN adapts its approach. The Commission organises, as appropriate, "clustering meetings" for the BPNs in each target area The final output of the BPNs should reflect both the results of the large scale implementations and the results and recommendations of the clustering activities. eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Target area Geographic information Scope any data that directly refer to a specific location or geographic area Actions Best practice networks (3.1) eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Best practice networks action 3.1 for Geographic information Objective Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Reduce barriers related to one or more of the specific themes in annexes I-III of INSPIRE. (Only one network by theme will be selected) Expected results Spatial data aggregated to cover a significant part of Europe and accessible in a seamless way across borders in multiple languages Consensus built on strategy for interoperability A sustainable network of stakeholders is established. eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Best practice networks action 3.1 for Geographic information Requirements Content; European dimension Impact (adoption of Standards and Specifications) Consortium (providers; users; standardisation bodies) Networking capacity Clustering eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Award criteria Best Practice Networks 1. Relevance and European dimension (2.0) objectives, problems and solutions, expected results, European dimension. NB. Exclusion threshold (6/10) 2. Content, impact and additional conditions (4.0) content, impact, additional conditions, networking 3. Quality of the technical part of the proposal (2.0) methodology and work plan, clustering 4. Resources and management (2.0) consortium, resources, management eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Community contribution Best Practice Networks Funding Indicative total funding: 46.7 M€ Indicative funding by project type Project type Community contribution Duration (in months) Number of Countries (impact) Funding (in Millions €) Best Practice Networks 80% of direct 18-24 (up to 36) 14-27 € 4-6 Targeted Projects 50% of total 7-16 € 2-3 Thematic Network 100% of direct for coordinator. Travel for members up to 36 0.4-1 eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

Timetable April-May Publication of call for proposals 24 May Central Infoday Luxembourg 4 October Call closure November Evaluation January Draft Implementation Plan approved March Opening of negotiations May Signature of grant agreement eContentplus 2007 work programme (draft version)

eContentplus more information at http://ec. europa