Restoring the Natural Landscape: Joplin Area Tree Recovery
Joplin before the F- 5 tornado
Strike force determined 15,000 to 20,000 trees lost
The time to start garnering donations for trees occurs as soon after initial cleanup as possible.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Walk for Unity Time to start planting?
sustainable landscape workshop. A disaster can be a sustainable landscape workshop.
Ready to learn….
Treasures are realized after they are gone.
All trees donated : 7,800 Trees planted since February 2012 : 3,409 Trees planted this fall : 858
Value of donations : $110,211 U.S. Forest Service Grant: $100,000 Cost/tree : $33
1 ½” balled and burlapped = $80 - $120 15 gallon container = $70 3 gallon container = $20
Number of volunteers =2,845 Number of volunteer hours = 13,184
People want to see, feel, plant their donations.
Artful trees are nice, but....
Water, water, water!
340 volunteer hours/week to water 562 Park trees
A sustainable urban forest?
Tree ordinance issues
Governor’s Challenge
Timing, education, organization, etc.
A joint effort by the U. S. Forest. Service, Missouri Department of A joint effort by the U.S. Forest Service, Missouri Department of Conservation, cities of Joplin and Duquesne, a multitude of donors and as many volunteers as there are leaves in an urban forest.