Procedures Before Class Begins Get your supplies- Pen,Notebook, Book, Work, Etc. Go to the Restroom/Get a Drink Finish Socializing Dispose of Food, Candy, Gum, Beverages Sharpen Your Pencil Locate and sit in Your Seat Log on your computer
Procedures after the Tardy Bell Begin the Bellwork Turn in your bellwork Remain in Your Seat in Your Area Read Over the Agenda Listen and Pay Attention to the Introduction/Instructions Copy the Agenda Raise Your Hand if you have a question or contribution
PROCEDURES DURING INSTRUCTION Listen/Follow along Do not distract others. Discuss only the topics at hand. Raise your hand to ask questions.
PROCEDURES FOR EXITING Clean your area. Turn in any classwork. Review your notebook. Put away any books you may have used in the correct place Log Off your computer Remain in your seat. Take your materials with you.
Items Prohibited From Class Food, Drink, Candy, Gum, Etc. Toys Electronic Devices (iPod, Phone, PSP) Inappropriate clothing Items outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
Prohibited Conduct Talking while I am talking Distracting/Disturbing Others Standing/walking around at any time Throwing Objects Answering the Door Playing with the door knob Standing around the door Opening Windows Playing with Shades Arguing/Fighting Misuse of Class Time Profanity – Any language Application of Cosmetics Texting, e-mailing, Instant Messaging, Phone usage
CONSEQUENCES Warning Point Deduction After School Detention Call Home Referral Parental Conference