Mrs. Groves and Mrs. Brown First Grade Powhatan Meet the Teacher Please follow the steps and complete all papers on top of your folder and return to me. Think about what you can have students do?
Reach me at: ABOUT Mrs. Groves Married 5 years to a teacher Just moved to Clayton Love to garden, travel, & play golf
COMMUNICATION A blue Communication folder will be sent home daily. Please sign and return the folder everyday. Student work will come home on Tuesdays. My email address is christygroves Powhatan website Classroom Website SeeSaw account. Sign up to receive reminders, and Classroom updates along with your child’s class work.
SCHEDULE Classroom Schedule 2019-2020 We will have the same enhancement for the entire week. Enhancements will be noted on the classroom Newsletter sent out weekly. Week 1: Music Week 2: PE Week 3: Media Week 4: Technology Week 5: Guidance Week 6: Art
Powhatan Elementary School Wide Goal: Establish a school wide behavior system that promotes student agency (voice and choice). Over the past two years, we have reviewed expectations as a school. As a school we have established our PAWS system to promote a schoolwide system of positive behavior.
Student Created Classroom Behavior Matrix P Positive Words Obey voice volume chart. Look and listen when someone is talking or sharing. Encourage others and yourself--kind words and kind actions A Act Responsibly Use materials and equipment properly. Keep workspace and belongings clean and tidy. Do what you’re supposed to be doing when you are supposed to be doing it. Complete and return all assignments and other papers. W Work Hard Pay attention and listen carefully at all times. Keep on trying! Never give up! Show perseverance! Always DO YOUR BEST! Do your own work. Ask for help if needed. S Stay Safe Use all seating options properly (4 legs on floor, on yoga ball keep feet on the floor, etc.) Pay attention during a Fire Drill, Lockdown, or other emergency. Stay in your assigned area. Walk at all times while indoors. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Be aware of friends with food allergies. Clean up peanuts and peanut products carefully. Student Created Classroom Behavior Matrix How many have seen the red tickets coming home? These tickets are used as positive reinforcement for students demonstrating the correct behavior. Our school store opened up on Monday and students will have different times in the morning to visit the store to spend or save up for a reward of their choosing. Our Classroom Goals were created by the students. When we receive PAWS we place them on the board outside of our classroom. When the chart is filled the class chooses an incentive.
LITERACY We have a school wide goal of implementing “Into Reading”. A research and evidence based literacy curriculum. Your child will receive a R.E.D (Read Every Day) bag with books at their level and books of their choice. We will also use Daily 5 as we practice independent reading stamina, fluency, writing and word work.
Math We will be using “Investigations” as our math curriculum. We will also use Daily 3 to practice independently solving math problems, working with someone and writing about how we solve a problem.
HOW WILL YOUR CHILD GET HOME? 1st five days Rest of the year Transportation changes? Please send a note in the communication folder.
Standards Based Teaching & Learning (SBTL) N - NOT YET Still acquiring prerequisite skills Needs additional assistance, increased time, smaller chunks of learning, and/or alternate strategies for gaining foundational standards that will lead to the grade level standards B - BEGINNING Beginning to progress May require additional support, monitoring, and/or assistance for clarification in order to assist in progress and support. P - PROGRESSING Progressing toward consistent and independent mastery Demonstrating a level of understanding that is typically and appropriately expected during the course of the academic year. M - MASTERY Consistently and independently demonstrates mastery Completing the expected learning at end of year grade level standard with consistency, accuracy, independence, and quality. Instruction after will focus on more complex problems, offer more levels of challenge/application and provide more in depth and critical thinking
GRADE LEVEL FIELD TRIPS Clemmons Educational State Forest
We Need Your Help Please join the PTA Sign your child’s communication folder nightly Check Tuesday folders and discuss the work with your child before sending it back Read newsletters and check websites regularly Read with your children every night. Encourage reading. Ask questions about what they are reading. Consider being a Room Mom or volunteering Consider helping out on a PTA committee Support the Kindness Walk on October 11 (rain date of October 18) Contact me with questions or concerns.
Additional Information Powhatan Parent Handbook School hours- tardee bell 8:50, student should be in the classroom by 8:50 Lunch money- please send lunch money in your child’s money pouch or on line. Here Comes the Bus app - flyer in parent packet
STAY INFORMED Webpages: Click school: Powhatan Click classrooms: select teacher Check SeeSaw for updates and to see your child’s classwork.
Stations to Visit Tonight Room 129 Parent Portal Volunteer Sign up Main Office Medication In the Media Center Bus questions Before & after school care Walkers PTA will be across from the Media Center. $6 to join the PTA. Enjoy the food trucks out front. Can’t wait to see you on Monday!