7th Grade Reading responsibility and preparation 2019 2020 Brittanie.Brennan@cobbk12.org and Robin.wann@cobbk12.org 2019 Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. Wann 2020 The objective of the reading program is to enable students to learn, practice, and internalize strategies that are essential life-long learning skills for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and understanding, and interpreting content specific material. Content-area reading will: Teach 7th Grade English Language Arts standards www.georgiastandards.org Focus on Non-fiction Reading and Writing while supporting ELA Literature standards. Focus on Vocabulary—both content area words and new word acquisition (Membean.com)—The account access fee is $10. If you did not purchase at Charger Day, a form will be sent home. Focus on specific reading skills and learning strategies Focus on Social Emotional Learning using Second Step. Skills will include: Previewing, reviewing, analyzing print and non-print text Activating Prior Knowledge Higher-level reading comprehension Process and acquiring new vocabulary Organizing information Understanding visual representations Self-monitoring and reflecting Acquiring new strategies—Close reading, note-taking, summarizing, analyzing and responding to prompts, citing text-evidence _______________________________________________________________________________________ responsibility and preparation Start working on bell ringers immediately so class starts within 5 minutes of the bell. Bell-ringers might be reading your DEAR book, listening to a read aloud or doing a warm-up. Read the smart board to find out! Come prepared to class with your binder, agenda, writing utensils, & your DEAR Book. DEAR means “Drop Everything and Read.” It is your free reading book for pleasure. Work should be turned in on its due date. Late work will lose 10 points per day that it is late. See back of syllabus for what happens when you are absent. Communicating with the teacher _______________________________________________________________________________________ Email: The best way to reach me us is Email! Although, if you have concerns or questions and we have never spoken face to face before, please email us with a phone number and the best time to reach you. We would like the first time we communicate about your child to be over the phone. You can’t hear our tone in an email, and we have such lovely tones! It is the tone we want you to hear every time you read an email from us Email at Brittanie.Brennan@cobbk12.org or Robin.Wann@cobbk12.org Voicemail: Another way to reach us is leaving a voicemail. Call Mabry 770-928-5546 and tell them you would like to leave a voicemail for Mrs. Brennan or Mrs. Wann. We will call you back as soon as possible (but never with kids in the room or during meetings!) Mabry Contact Information: 770-928-5546 http://www.mabrymiddleschool.com
grades READ READ READ policy for absences & make-up work Reading log We will be setting personal goals in Reading to determine the number of books to read. Students will keep track of their books in their agenda. Students need to have a DEAR book at all times! If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work. You receive one day to make up your work for each day absent. Ways to get your make-up work: 1 CHECK teacher Blog I update the Blog every day and attach work whenever possible www.cobblearning.net/mabrybrennan or www.cobblearning.net/read08 2 Check the “While you were out” wall in the classroom when you return. 3 Ask Mrs. Brennan or Mrs. Wann 4 If you know you are going to be absent beforehand, ask for your make-up work before the absence. 5 Parents: If your child is absent for several days, email one of us. We can email your child's teachers and we can collectively put the work in the front office for pickup. Grades: Check Teacher Blog every day and Synergy at least once a week Below are the weighted percentages for grade calculation: 40% 30% 20% 10% grades Projects, Tests, Anchors Classwork & Participation Small Writings & Quizzes DEAR, Homework, Warm-ups electronic devices READ READ READ The best way to improve comprehension, test scores, and grades is to READ! Read anything you like at any level you like. Just keep reading! Read on your own, with a parent, with a sibling, with a pet, with a plant. Listen to an audiobook and follow along in your DEAR book. Watch a movie and then read the book. Read a magazine, newspaper, cereal box! READ, READ, READ . Electronic devices should be kept in students’ backpacks. Devices should not be out during class unless otherwise instructed by the teacher or with permission. Please see our BYOD agreement for more details. B Y O D If a student is using phone without permission, the phone will be turned into office and parents will have to pick up the device from the office. This makes everyone cranky. This syllabus is intended as a guide and is subject to change to accommodate individual or class needs
Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Brennan and Mrs Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. Wann Room 7C4 7th Grade Reading Student’s Printed Name: ______________________________________ Reading Class Color: White Class (1st Period) Parent’s Printed Name: _______________________________________ Parent’s Email: ______________________________________________ Best Phone Number: home cell work (circle one) _________________________ Yes, I have read and understand this syllabus (Signature required) X__________________________________________________ Yes, we have paid the licensing fee for Membean.com (Vocabulary) (Signature required) X___________________________________________________ If you are unable to answer yes and sign the syllabus please email Mrs. Brennan or Mrs. Wann to clear up questions. Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to a great school year! Brittanie.Brennan@cobbk12.org and Robin.Wann@cobbk12.org Is there anything you feel that is important for me to know about your child that will aid in my instruction?